Forecast of the admission score for the Pharmacy and Medicine field in 2024 is expected to increase

Trang Hà |

For top medical universities, admission scores in 2024 are likely to remain unchanged or increase slightly by 0.15-0.5 points.

According to the plan of the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET), the virtual filtering examination for university admission will take place from August 13 to 17h on August 17 and will be conducted 6 times.

From 17h on August 17, universities can announce the admission scores to students. The MOET requires universities to announce the admission scores no later than 17h on August 19. Each student can only be admitted to the highest priority program.

Forecasting the admission scores for this year, university admission experts believe that the admission scores for the A00 group may increase by 0.5-1 point; The A01 group admission scores may increase by 0.2-0.5 points. The B00 group admission scores may increase by 0.2-0.5 points; The C00 group (History, Geography, Literature) admission scores may increase significantly by 0.5-1.5 points; The D01 group (Mathematics, Literature, English) admission scores will also increase significantly by 0.5-1 point.

For universities training medical and pharmaceutical majors, this is the group with the fewest admission methods, mainly still using the B00 group. Recently, this quota has been reduced when universities have added methods using combined English proficiency certificates, increasing direct admission while the total quota for the health sector has not increased.

In 2024, there are 311 students nationwide who have achieved a score of 28.5 points or higher (excluding priority and encouragement points) in the B00 group. Last year, the peak score for the B00 group was around 21-21.5 with over 24,800 students achieving this score.

Admission score distribution for the B00 group in 2024.
Admission score distribution for the B00 group in 2024.

With the above admission score distribution, it is forecasted that the top universities in the B00 group will have a slight increase in admission scores of 0.15-0.5 points. The middle and lower-ranked universities will increase by 0.5-1 point.

At the university admission consultation program, PGS.TS Lê Đình Tùng – Vice Rector of the Hanoi Medical University forecasted that the admission scores for top programs such as Medicine; Dentistry will increase compared to last year but increase at a moderate level.

The highest admission score for the Medicine program at Hanoi Medical University was in 2017 with 29.25 points, the lowest was in 2018 when it dropped to 24.7 points. In 2021, it increased to 28.85 points. In 2024, the admission score will approach the results of years with high exam scores.

This year, Hanoi Medical University is recruiting 1,720 students (an increase of 350 students from last year) for 17 programs, including 3 new programs: Psychology (60 students), Midwifery (50 students), and Prosthetic Dentistry (50 students).

The university recruits students through 4 methods: Direct admission, admission based on high school graduation exam scores, admission based on combined high school graduation exam scores and international English proficiency certificates, and admission based on the University of National University of Hanoi's (HSA) assessment scores.

At Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy, the admission scores are expected to fluctuate slightly. This year, Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy is recruiting 2,516 students (an increase of 100 students from 2023) with 2 groups A00 and B00. Students can apply to Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy through 5 methods: Direct admission, admission based on high school graduation exam scores, admission based on combined high school graduation exam scores and IELTS certificates, admission based on SAT scores, and admission based on students who have completed preparatory programs.

Trang Hà

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