Nu Village Student: 20 days have passed, I still haven't found my dad


That was the tearful story of Hoang Anh Quan - a student of Phuc Khanh Primary and Secondary School No. 1, Bao Yen District, Lao Cai - to the students of the capital.

On the morning of September 30, Tien Phong Newspaper held a launching ceremony for the program "With Tien Phong, help children go to school" at Cau Giay Secondary School (Cau Giay District, Hanoi).

Hoang Anh Quan is one of nearly 70 students of the school who became orphans after the terrible flash flood in Nu Village village on the morning of September 9. This is the first time Quan has set foot in the capital Hanoi.

"That morning, suddenly there was a loud explosion. Then, seeing the dust and rocks coming down from the top of the mountain, I ran and only had time to shout loudly: Dad, run... After running for a while, I turned back and saw that the whole family and dad were gone. It's been 20 days, I still haven't found dad" - Hoang Anh Quan burst into tears when recalling his great pain.

Cac dai bieu, thay co giao va toan the hoc sinh danh 1 phut mac niem cho nhung ton that, mat mat cua nguoi dan cac dia phuong sau con bao so 3 (bao Yagi). Anh: Anh Duc
Delegates, teachers and all students observed a minute of silence for the losses suffered by local people after storm No. 3 (storm Yagi). Photo: Anh Duc

Mr. Pham Duc Vinh - Principal of Phuc Khanh Primary School No. 1 (Bao Yen District, Lao Cai) - said that the school has been receiving help from many individuals and organizations. Currently, the school is mobilizing students to stay at the school dormitory to ensure safety and convenience in going to school. This school has just lost 13 children and 7 children are still being treated in the hospital.

"Teachers and parents take turns staying at school at night to take care of the children. The school's staff is trying to overcome the consequences of the natural disaster, reorganize teaching and learning activities and create the best conditions to help the children quickly stabilize their psychology and overcome the crisis..." - said Mr. Vinh.

Cau chuyen ve nhung mat mat, dau thuong trong bao lu da khien moi nguoi co mat tai buoi le nghen ngao. Anh: Anh Duc
The story of loss and pain in the storm and flood made everyone present at the ceremony choked up. Photo: Anh Duc
Nuoc mat da troi tren khuon mat cua nhieu nguoi. Anh: Ban To chuc
Tears streamed down the faces of many people. Photo: Organizing Committee

The story of Anh Quan and the people of Nu Village moved the delegates, teachers and 1,500 students of 3 schools including Cau Giay Secondary School, Nguyen Sieu Secondary - High School and Nguyen Viet Xuan Primary School.

"I really feel sorry for my friends in the mountainous areas affected by the recent storms and floods. On the occasion of the recent Mid-Autumn Festival, my school organized a Mid-Autumn Festival of Love program, collecting donations to support the friends in the flooded areas" - said Pham Vu Hoang Ton (3rd grade student, Nguyen Viet Xuan Primary School, Cau Giay, Hanoi).

Vu Hoang Yen (8th grade student, Cau Giay Secondary School) also could not hold back her tears when listening to the story. "This is a meaningful activity, helping us understand more about the losses and difficulties of our people in the localities" - Yen expressed.

Hoc sinh Truong Tieu hoc Nguyen Viet Xuan (Quan Cau Giay, Ha Noi) tham du chuong trinh. Anh: Anh Duc
1,500 students from 3 high schools in Cau Giay district attended the program. Photo: Anh Duc

Ms. Vu Thi Anh Tuyet - Principal of Nguyen Viet Xuan Primary School (Cau Giay District, Hanoi) assessed this as a meaningful activity with great humanity, not only in terms of supporting people after the flood, but also contributing to spreading and educating the spirit of mutual love to students.

"I saw tears rolling down the children's faces, as well as the teachers' faces," she said.



Nhieu phan qua y nghia da duoc gui den cac em hoc sinh, cac diem truong chiu thiet hai do bao so 3 gay ra. Anh: Anh Duc
Many meaningful gifts were sent to students and schools affected by storm No. 3. Photo: Anh Duc

At the launching ceremony, the organizers presented a savings book worth 30 million VND to Hoang Anh Quan - the first orphaned student to receive support from the program. Along with that, 14,000 personal accident insurance cards were also presented to students in the highlands. Many individuals and organizations also donated, supported, and sponsored schools to overcome the consequences of storms and floods.


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