Proposal to amend retirement age regulations in the Law on Teachers

Nhà giáo Nguyễn Văn Vinh (TPHCM) |

Teacher Nguyen Van Vinh sent Lao Dong Newspaper his comments on the retirement age of teachers in the draft Law on Teachers.

In recent times, the Ministry of Education and Training has paid great attention to the teaching staff in terms of policies, salary regimes, etc. and is especially completing the draft Law on Teachers. The draft Law on Teachers has shown a spirit of openness and always upholding the rights and responsibilities of the teaching staff.

In the past, I have also been very interested in the Draft Law on Teachers that the Ministry of Education and Training has put forward for discussion and comments from many teachers. And I have also followed the information and seen that the Government and the National Assembly are also very interested in the Draft Laws.

However, the Government and National Assembly leaders also emphasized: "In order for the draft laws to be put into practice, to avoid the situation where new laws have to be amended and supplemented...", ministries, branches and agencies drafting the draft laws need to research carefully and thoroughly, and seek public opinions widely...

I would like to contribute my comments to the Draft Law on Teachers, with the following content:

In the second draft of the draft Law on Teachers, Clause 1, Article 49 stipulates: Preschool teachers and teachers in schools for the disabled are eligible to retire when they reach 55 years old and enjoy retirement benefits according to regulations; the retirement age of other teachers is implemented according to the provisions of the Labor Code.

In the third draft recently published by the Ministry of Education and Training for comments, Clause 1, Article 49 has been amended to: The retirement age of teachers is implemented according to the provisions of the Labor Code; preschool teachers and teachers of schools for the disabled are allowed to retire 05 (five) years in advance according to the provisions on retirement age.

Nha giao Nguyen Van Vinh  cong tac tai  Truong Chuyen biet 1 Thang 6, Quan 4, TP.Ho Chi Minh gop y ve du an Luat Nha giao.
Teacher Nguyen Van Vinh, working at the 1/6 Special School, District 4, Ho Chi Minh City, gives his opinion on the Teachers Law project. Photo: Provided by the teacher

In my opinion, Clause 1, Article 49 should be amended to: The retirement age of teachers is implemented according to the provisions of the Labor Code; preschool teachers are allowed to retire 05 (five) years in advance according to the provisions on retirement age; teachers of schools for the disabled, if they wish to retire early, are allowed to retire 05 (five) years in advance according to the provisions on retirement age.

The reason for the change is because there is currently a shortage of teachers in schools for the disabled; teachers who have worked and are attached to the educational environment for the disabled are very dedicated to their profession; these teachers often teach at primary, middle and high schools.

Thus, to encourage teachers, it should be amended so that teachers in schools for the disabled, if they wish to retire early, can retire 5 (five) years earlier than the retirement age regulations; and teachers in schools for the disabled, if they do not wish to retire early, must follow the provisions of the Labor Code.

I completely agree with the other contents of the Draft.

Nhà giáo Nguyễn Văn Vinh (TPHCM)

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