The class in Phu Tho has 100% of candidates achieving excellent scores in Literature

Tô Công |

Phu Tho - A 12th grade class of Viet Tri Technical High School had an average Literature test score of 9.18 in the recent 2024 high school graduation exam.

In the recent 2024 high school graduation exam , class 12A3, Viet Tri Technical High School (Viet Tri city), 100% of students achieved excellent scores in Literature with an average score of 9.18. All students in the class achieved a Literature score of 8.25 points or higher.

Of these, 36 students scored over 9 points, 14 students scored over 9.5, 2 students scored 9.75 points - this is also the highest score in Literature in Phu Tho province in the recent high school graduation exam.

Not only did they have achievements in the Literature subject, class 12A3 also had excellent results in the total score of 3 admission subjects according to the registration block. In particular, there is 1 Valedictorian of Block C00 in Phu Tho province in 2024 with 29.5 points (this is the first school year the school has a Valedictorian of Block C in Phu Tho province).

Lai Ha My - Valedictorian of Block C00, Phu Tho province. Photo: School.
Lai Ha My - Valedictorian of Block C00, Phu Tho province. Photo: School.

Along with that, all 40 students had a total exam score of over 24 points. Of these, 21/40 students achieved 27 points or more, 9 students achieved 28 points or more, and 4 students achieved over 29 points. In addition, the class has 5 points out of 10 in History, 3 points out of 10 in Geography, and 1 point out of 10 in Citizenship Education.

Sharing about the above achievements, teacher Ha Thi Thanh Huyen - homeroom teacher and Literature teacher of class 12A3 said: "After the Ministry of Education and Training announced the exam scores, students looked up the results. then reported back to me, seeing that many students achieved high scores in Literature, I was very surprised and happy. That is a result that reflects their hard work and efforts in the learning process."

Talking more about teaching methods, teacher Huyen emphasized: "Students need to learn basic knowledge in class combined with referencing and reading documents that students like. Take notes of all key knowledge and words. Or make a personal literature notebook. Once you have the basic knowledge, you should practice at least 4-5 topics in class. The goal is to complete the study If you have knowledge of any part, you must be a wise man for that part, from the way of thinking to the way of writing as much as possible.

Teacher Ha Thi Thanh Huyen - Viet Tri Technical High School. Photo: School.
Teacher Ha Thi Thanh Huyen - Viet Tri Technical High School. Photo: School.

Teacher Huyen further shared that the Literature entry scores of students at Viet Tri Technical High School are at a fairly average level of 5, 6, 7 points, so the process evokes passion and inspires students. I love Literature, which is quite difficult, takes a lot of time and requires meticulousness and perseverance.

"Once they tap into their passion for the subject, they are very proactive in learning and finding creative ways to approach lessons. This is what I am really proud of them. Thanks to their awareness good, seriously cultivate, know how to write essays as well as recognize the value of the work, know how to criticize,... the students are improving every day and had excellent results in the last exam. " - Teacher Huyen was emotional.

With the excellent results that class 12A3 has achieved in Literature as well as the scores by grade in the High School Graduation Exam, teacher Ha Thi Thanh Huyen hopes that her students will maintain and promote this ability and continue to Continue to pursue your dreams, apply the knowledge you have learned into practice and become useful citizens for society.

Tô Công

Nhiều cơ hội tuyển sinh bằng điểm thi tốt nghiệp THPT 2024

Vân Trang |

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Khánh Minh |

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Việt Dũng |

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Vân Trang |

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Portrait of a female student scoring 10 in Literature in Dong Thap


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