What regulations regarding professional ethics do teachers need to meet?

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The draft Law on Teachers clearly stipulates professional ethical standards that teachers need to meet.

Ethical standards of teachers

According to Resolution 95/NQ-CP in 2023, the Government unanimously approved the proposal of the Ministry of Education and Training on the need to promulgate the Law on Teachers.

Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 13, the Draft Law on Teachers stipulates as follows:

Teacher standards include the following standards:

Teacher qualities and ethics; Training and fostering qualifications;

Professional and professional capacity: Ability to perform teaching and educational tasks; Update skills and improve professional capacity; research skills and application of science and technology; skills in community development activities, coordination in building a healthy educational environment inside and outside educational institutions;

Duties according to the teacher's title;


Article 4, Regulations promulgated together with Decision 16/2008/QD-BGDDT stipulates the professional ethics of teachers as follows:

Enthusiastic about the profession, conscious of preserving the honor and conscience of teachers; Have a spirit of solidarity, love, and help colleagues in life and work; Have compassion, tolerance, generosity, and treat students and colleagues gently; ready to help and protect the legitimate rights and interests of learners, colleagues and the community.

Dedicated to work; Comply with the charter, regulations, and internal rules of the unit, school, and industry.

Fairness in teaching and education, true assessment of learners' abilities; Practicing thrift, fighting achievement disease, fighting corruption and waste.

Carry out criticism and self-criticism regularly and seriously; Regularly study and improve professional qualifications, foreign languages, and information technology to successfully complete assigned tasks and meet the increasing requirements of education.

There are many expectations with the draft Law on Teachers

At the thematic session to consult on some contents in the draft Law on Teachers of the National Council for Education and Human Resource Development that recently took place, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi My Loc, University of Education Education, Hanoi National University assessed that the draft Law on Teachers was very methodically and elaborately built.

The law reflects important basic contents for teachers and state management of teachers.

Sharing the same opinion, Prof. Dr. Duong Quy Sy, Member of the National Council of Education and Human Resource Development, assessed that the draft Law on Teachers has been developed comprehensively, elaborately, fully covered and without conflicts. conflicts and overlaps with the Law on Vocational Education.

The Law on Teachers will create a favorable working environment for vocational education teachers and institutionalize the mechanism for training and fostering teachers and vocational trainers.

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