Ha Giang has a headache with the problem of lack of teachers

Lam Thanh |

Ha Giang - a province that has ranked last for 5 consecutive years in the average ranking of high school graduation exam scores, is having a headache with the problem of teacher shortage before the new school year.

Recruitment difficulties

Meo Vac is one of the most difficult districts of Ha Giang province. The rugged mountainous terrain and poverty all year round make the path to school here more difficult for teachers and students.

With the desire to attract teacher resources, this locality has raised the salary for contract teachers to 7-8 million/month. This is not a small amount of money for the pedagogy industry, but in reality, recruiting teachers is still very difficult. Even when recruited, teachers are not very interested in "rooting" in this land.

Many schools in Ha Giang are lacking teachers. Photo: Lam Thanh
Many schools in Ha Giang are lacking teachers. Photo: Lam Thanh

Mr. Bui Van Thu - Head of the Department of Education and Training of Meo Vac district informed that according to the assigned payroll target, the locality is lacking about 180 teachers and this August there will be a recruitment round.

According to Mr. Thu, as one of the most difficult districts in Ha Giang, the shortage of teachers in Meo Vac appears in all subjects. Especially English subject.

"Faced with the difficulties of lacking teachers, the locality has called for support from a number of other localities to teach online such as English. As for other subjects, within the district we support online teaching for each other.

In addition, we also encourage teachers to teach more hours and more classes. Seconding teachers from schools to support each other, and adding 111 contract teachers," the leader informed.

Also according to the Head of the Department of Education and Training of Meo Vac district, for the English subject, the locality is receiving support from units in Hanoi to teach online for grade 5 students. Lam Dong province supports teaching grade 3 students. , 4 and 1 volunteer organization in Ho Chi Minh City teach students dozens of classes.

In addition, to attract human resources, the contract salary for English teachers in Meo Vac fluctuates around 8 million VND/month, and for other subjects about 7 million VND/month.

Semi-boarding primary school in Thuong Phung commune, Meo Vac district. Photo: Lam Thanh
Semi-boarding primary school in Thuong Phung commune, Meo Vac district. Photo: Lam Thanh

The problem of lack of teachers

Also facing the problem of lack of human resources in educational establishments, Dong Van district is currently lacking more than 100 teachers. It focuses mainly on the English subject with 20 teachers at 2 levels: Primary and Secondary.

"Faced with difficulties, the department also advised the People's Committee of Dong Van district to have online classrooms, 1 teacher can teach 1-2 schools. Large classes can be combined to teach English online.

Annual recruitment plans are focused on temporarily addressing the teacher shortage. At the same time, register for additional quotas for English teachers," said Mr. Ha Dinh Phong - Head of the Department of Education and Training of Dong Van district.

Also according to Mr. Phong, currently local English contract teachers have a salary of 8 million VND/month. Because of the difficult mountainous characteristics, recruiting teachers faces many difficulties. For example, in the 2023 - 2024 school year, there are only 2 recruitment applications, while the target is 20 teachers.

Difficulties in recruiting English teachers. Photo: Lam Thanh
Difficulties in recruiting English teachers. Photo: Lam Thanh

On August 12, talking to a reporter from Lao Dong Newspaper, Mr. Bui Quang Tri - Director of the Department of Education and Training of Ha Giang province said that the whole province is currently lacking more than 2,800 teachers (including assigned and unassigned staff) before the deadline. new school year 2024-2025.

"Of which, more than 900 have been assigned staffing quotas, the remaining are short of the Ministry of Education and Training's staffing quota of more than 1,900 teachers. In the immediate future, the sector has directed units to develop recruitment plans for the 2024 school year. -2025. At the recent meeting, it was agreed that the proposed recruitment target is 493 targets out of the total shortage.

In addition, continue to implement teacher contracts within the staff quota that cannot be recruited. At the same time, the teacher contract is in accordance with Decree 111 of the Government," Mr. Tri said.

According to the Director of the Department of Education and Training, recruiting contract teachers faces many difficulties. Currently, the industry is reviewing school units and teachers in the direction of merging small-scale schools. Bring students to study at main schools to make the most and effective use of teacher resources.

In addition, to solve the shortage of teachers in specific subjects, some localities are organizing online learning.

It is known that difficulties in recruiting teachers have had a significant impact on the academic results of Ha Giang students.

Since 2020, for 5 consecutive years Ha Giang has ranked in the "bottom" position in the average score ranking of the National High School Graduation Exam. In particular, Ha Giang's test scores for the two most basic subjects, Literature and Math, are also very low.

Lam Thanh

Muốn không thiếu giáo viên, phải có chính sách phù hợp trong tuyển dụng

Lê Thanh Phong |

Năm nào các địa phương cũng kêu thiếu giáo viên, cả nước thiếu trên trăm ngàn giáo viên ở các cấp học. Một số địa phương “trải thảm đỏ”, mời giáo viên các môn Tiếng Anh, Tin học, với sự đãi ngộ ban đầu như hỗ trợ 100 triệu đồng, nhưng vẫn không mời được ai.

Nghịch lý thiếu giáo viên, sinh viên sư phạm vẫn thất nghiệp

Nhóm PV |

Chỉ còn chưa đầy 1 tháng nữa, năm học 2024-2025 sẽ bắt đầu. Tuy nhiên, tình trạng thiếu giáo viên còn diễn ra tại nhiều địa phương trong khi đó không ít sinh viên sư phạm ra trường lại thất nghiệp, chưa thể tìm được việc làm.

Các hệ số lương để tính lương của giáo viên các cấp hiện nay

Thục Quyên (T/H) |

Hệ số lương dùng để tính lương của giáo viên các cấp hiện nay được căn cứ vào các thông tư của Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo.

PGS Đặng Bích Hà an nghỉ bên Đại tướng Võ Nguyên Giáp tại Vũng Chùa - Đảo Yến


Quảng Bình - Sáng 29.9, lễ an táng PGS Đặng Bích Hà - Phu nhân Đại tướng Võ Nguyên Giáp được tổ chức tại Vũng Chùa - Đảo Yến.

Bé trai 3 tháng tuổi từng ở Mái ấm Hoa Hồng đã tử vong


TPHCM - Bệnh viện Nhi đồng 2 cho biết, bé trai 3 tháng tuổi (từng ở Mái ấm Hoa Hồng) tử vong do viêm phổi nặng, kém đáp ứng điều trị.

Đà tăng giá vàng phá vỡ "lời nguyền tháng 9"

Khương Duy (Theo Kitco) |

Giới chuyên gia nhận định tháng 9 thường là "điểm trũng" của giá vàng thế giới. Tuy nhiên năm nay, quan niệm này không còn chính xác.

Số người bị vùi lấp vụ sạt lở trên QL2 có thể gia tăng

Lam Thanh |

Hà Giang - Vụ sạt lở trên QL2 đoạn Km51 khiến 1 người tử vong, nhiều phương tiện và nhà dân bị vùi lấp.

Hồ thủy điện lớn nhất miền Nam giảm xả lũ


Đồng Nai - Công ty Thủy điện Trị An giảm xả lũ do lưu lượng nước về hồ đang có xu hướng giảm.

To avoid a shortage of teachers, there must be appropriate recruitment policies

Lê Thanh Phong |

Every year localities complain of a shortage of teachers , and the whole country lacks over hundreds of thousands of teachers at all levels. Some localities "rolled out the red carpet", inviting teachers of English and IT subjects, with initial incentives such as support of 100 million VND, but still could not invite anyone.

Paradoxically, there is a shortage of teachers and pedagogical students are still unemployed

Nhóm PV |

In less than 1 month, the 2024-2025 school year will begin. However, the shortage of teachers still exists in many localities, while many pedagogical students graduating from school are unemployed and unable to find jobs.