National Economics University and the goal of transforming into a smart university

PGS.TS Bùi Đức Thọ - Bí thư Đảng ủy, Chủ tịch Hội đồng Trường Đại học Kinh tế Quốc dân |

National Economics University is transforming strongly, gathering and promoting the internal strength of a multidisciplinary, multi-field and innovative university.

Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary training in Economics, Management, Business Administration combined with Science and Technology

National Economics University was established in 1956, the first university to train mainly in the fields of economics, management and business administration in Vietnam. After nearly 70 years of establishment and development, National Economics University is currently training at all levels from undergraduate to master, doctorate with majors covering all areas of the economy. The programs are always linked to the application of achievements in science and technology development. Many contents of science and technology are also integrated into the training majors at the school.

Along with that, the National Economics University also promotes joint activities with the public sector, strengthens cooperation with corporations, enterprises, and professional associations to ensure that the training process is closely linked to practice, scientific research is directly linked to applied research capacity, and professional consulting activities. With its position as the country's leading training and research center, the University also sets strategic goals for improving professional quality, while innovating, creating, and combining with science and technology in the transformation into a smart university, training interdisciplinary, cross-disciplinary, and multi-disciplinary fields.

To meet the needs of the high-quality human resource market and adapt to the 4.0 industrial revolution, the National Economics University has actively transformed the training structure from economic science to linking with science, technology and practice.

The development of new interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary fields associated with science and technology, which society has a high demand for human resources, is being focused on by the School in many different areas, such as Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering, Financial Technology, etc. The School also established the School of Technology to create a breakthrough in implementing and carrying out this arduous task. The human resources recruited by the School of Technology are all trained from the world's leading science and technology fields, capable of undertaking training, research, and technology transfer activities in the coming time.

These are strategic steps, helping the School quickly approach the world's high level of training.

Sinh vien Truong Dai hoc Kinh te Quoc dan
Student of National Economics University.

Continue to build an innovative university environment

National Economics University is the cradle of training scientists, politicians, successful businessmen, ambitious people, with rich aspirations and patriotism.

With optimal facilities, students are trained and fully developed in skills and talents in an environment that promotes creativity and innovation to become the best version of themselves. This is an extremely favorable academic environment for students to solve specialized problems with many different approaches and perspectives.

Students at the National Economics University always have access to the most modern and necessary conditions to cultivate and practice the necessary factors to meet the labor needs of the market. Activities to support the development of leadership skills, nurture talents, exchange and meet students in different majors create opportunities for flexible and personalized learning. Students have access to new sources of knowledge from advanced training programs in the world. Training and learning methods are also oriented from traditional to practical and experiential, gradually moving towards the 1 + 1 model, meaning that one student will be accompanied by one instructor. Training programs all direct students to participate in practice and experience at businesses, helping students apply the knowledge they have learned to solve practical problems.

Modern learning environment and facilities with integrated technology management; application of information technology in training and research; enhanced exploitation of the shared electronic library system with thousands of electronic learning materials, modern textbooks from the world's leading prestigious universities are always updated and purchased, scientific journals and data from many different majors and fields are also purchased and updated annually.

Promote scientific research, international publication and policy advice

As one of the key economic research institutions, the National Economics University has always received the trust of the Party and the Government in policy consulting activities. The University regularly coordinates with the Government's Economic Committee, the National Assembly's Economic Committee, academies, and localities to research, discuss economic issues, and consult and recommend policies to state management agencies.

The school also organizes research groups aiming at strong international publications. The research groups always conduct research in the direction of applying science and technology in economics, business administration, and promote research in innovative fields.

In the trend of smart universities, along with innovation in training and scientific research activities, the task of transferring science and technology is also the content aimed at the National Economics University. The school is promoting the training of new skills, new professions, approaching the world and suitable for the Vietnamese environment. Both enhancing training to support the development of individual capacity and promoting collective creativity.

National Economics University is promoting training of new skills, new professions, approaching the world and suitable for the Vietnamese environment. NEU

The National Economics University has always been one of the leading units in the country in terms of the number of scientific works on economics, management, and business administration published annually. In particular, the number of international articles in the ISI/Scopus category has continuously increased sharply each year.

In 2023, the number of articles listed in the ISI and/or Scopus of VNU is over 300. As of April 2024, the number of published articles is 120. The University's Journal of Economics and Development is one of the only two journals in Vietnam to officially join the Scopus list in 2023, a remarkable development step for the University.

Every year, the School organizes dozens of national and international conferences and seminars to discuss socio-economic issues and provide policy advice. The results of these conferences and seminars are used in teaching, research and policy advice for state management levels.

Promoting effective university governance, enhancing facilities

In the current development context, effective university management is an urgent issue for universities. How to meet domestic requirements while approaching and developing on par with world universities? One of the optimal solutions is to build smart universities, applying high technology in management. This is a necessary condition for effective university management and developing a smart learning and research environment in the new context.

The National Economics University has set the goal of innovating the governance model on the basis of a highly autonomous university, along with the strength of interdisciplinary, cross-disciplinary, multi-disciplinary and multi-field training of the university. The three-level university model is clear in terms of functions, tasks and development goals, which have been announced in the university's development strategy until 2030. Each staff member, lecturer and employee of the university is a factor contributing to the development. The operating mechanism of the National Economics University is approached and inherited from many elite universities in the world with a governance infrastructure based on modern, advanced and optimal information technology.

In the process of transforming into a university with high autonomy in accordance with the policies of the Party and the State, in accordance with the goals, missions and development strategies, the National Economics University has researched, implemented and achieved certain results through the establishment of the School of Business, School of Economics and Public Management, and School of Technology. Moving forward, the University continues to perfect its organizational structure towards streamlining, efficiency and application of high technology.

Regarding infrastructure, the School has built a lecture hall area with nearly 700 classrooms of all kinds, meeting the needs of domestic and international training and research. Dozens of international standard conference rooms and halls have been put into operation and use. In the coming time, the School will continue to renovate high-quality dormitories for students, complete the infrastructure of the sports complex area, ensuring international standards.

The school's high-speed wifi system covers the entire campus, meeting all the learning, teaching and research needs of the school. The school is building a data and software center to integrate data and connect applications as well as improve the general information technology infrastructure capacity to serve teaching, research and learning activities.

Modern and advanced applications in university administration such as enrollment, training management, teaching, scientific research, human resource management (records, salaries, etc.), information management, etc. have been applied in schools for many years and are now showing good results.

Strengthening high-quality international human resources

The National Economics University has been and is a destination attracting many scientists from prestigious universities around the world to teach and research at the school. Through training programs, seminars, and talks, prestigious scientists from around the world have come and worked for the school. Member schools are also proactive in inviting foreign lecturers to participate in their training programs.

In addition, the School also applies a new internationalization policy for lecturers. Lecturers are encouraged to spend 3-6 months (every 5 years) studying and researching at leading economic universities in the world...

With the goal of becoming a smart, multidisciplinary, multi-field university, the National Economics University is strongly transforming itself in every step of its university management activities.

PGS.TS Bùi Đức Thọ - Bí thư Đảng ủy, Chủ tịch Hội đồng Trường Đại học Kinh tế Quốc dân

Nhiều trường đại học tổ chức kỳ thi riêng năm 2025


Năm 2025, bên cạnh kỳ thi tốt nghiệp THPT, nhiều trường đại học cũng tổ chức kỳ thi riêng để xét tuyển đầu vào.

Đơn vị đầu tiên được cấp phép tổ chức thi chứng chỉ TELC

Vân trang |

Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo vừa phê duyệt quyết định cho đơn vị đầu tiên được liên kết tổ chức thi chứng chỉ Tiếng Đức TELC tại Việt Nam.

Đại học doanh thu nghìn tỉ, có trường 98% đến từ học phí

Vân Trang |

Cả nước có 6 trường đại học công lập và 3 trường tư thục có doanh thu từ 1.000 tỉ đồng trở lên. Trong đó, có 2 trường đạt trên 2.000 tỉ đồng.

Hơn 77% sinh viên Kinh tế Quốc dân tốt nghiệp loại giỏi, xuất sắc

Vân Trang |

Ngày 24.8.2024, Trường Đại học Kinh tế Quốc dân tổ chức lễ tốt nghiệp đại học chính quy năm 2024 cho hơn 3.690 sinh viên.

Thủ khoa Trường Đại học Kinh tế Quốc dân đạt 1.590 điểm SAT


Đỗ Thị Vân Hà - thủ khoa đầu vào Trường Đại học Kinh tế Quốc dân năm 2024 - đạt số điểm SAT gần tuyệt đối (1.590/1.600) ngay ở lần thi đầu tiên.

Doanh nhân Việt Nam: Tâm - Tài - Trí - Dũng

Thùy Linh |

Tròn 20 năm trước, Thủ tướng Chính phủ Phan Văn Khải đã ký Quyết định số 990/QĐ-TTg lấy ngày 13 tháng 10 hằng năm là “Ngày Doanh nhân Việt Nam”.

Đồng Nai giao đất xây 1.000 căn nhà ở xã hội gần Quốc lộ 51


Đồng Nai giao Công ty Cổ phần Chương Dương Homeland hơn 1,4 ha đất xây 1.000 căn nhà ở xã hội, tổng mức đầu tư dự án 1.400 tỉ đồng.

Cận cảnh Văn Miếu thờ các danh nhân tại Hải Dương

Công Hòa |

Hải Dương - Văn Miếu Mao Điền (thôn Mậu Tài, xã Cẩm Điền, Cẩm Giàng, Hải Dương) có lịch sử lâu đời là biểu tượng truyền thống hiếu học của tỉnh Hải Dương.

Many universities to hold their own exams in 2025


In 2025, in addition to the high school graduation exam, many universities will also organize their own entrance exams.

The first unit licensed to organize TELC certification exams

Vân trang |

The Ministry of Education and Training has just approved the decision for the first unit to be associated with organizing the TELC German language certificate exam in Vietnam.

Universities with trillion-dollar revenue, some schools have 98% of their revenue coming from tuition fees

Vân Trang |

Nationwide, there are 6 public universities and 3 private universities with revenue of 1,000 billion VND or more. Of these, 2 schools have revenue of over 2,000 billion VND.

More than 77% of National Economics students graduated with excellent grades

Vân Trang |

On August 24, 2024, the National Economics University held a regular university graduation ceremony in 2024 for more than 3,690 students .

The Valedictorian of the National Economics University achieved a score of 1,590 on the SAT


Đỗ Thị Vân Hà - Top Student entering the National Economics University in 2024 - achieving a near-perfect SAT score (1,590/1,600) on the first attempt.