Exam score violations: Removal of Director of Department of Education and Training Thai Binh


Thai Binh - The People's Committee of Thai Binh province decided to discipline and remove Mr. Nguyen Viet Hien from the position of Director of the Department of Education and Training.

On September 27, the People's Committee of Thai Binh province issued a press release on the Conclusion of the inspection of the implementation of policies, laws, tasks and powers assigned to the Department of Education and Training, Director of the Department of Education and Training and related organizations and individuals in organizing the entrance exam for grade 10 high school in the 2024-2025 school year in Thai Binh province.

The content of the announcement is as follows: After the People's Committee of Thai Binh province received a petition from citizens and public opinion reflecting on irregularities in the entrance exam for grade 10 high school in the 2024-2025 school year in the province; The Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial People's Committee resolutely led and directed the Provincial Inspectorate to conduct an unscheduled inspection of the implementation of policies, laws and assigned tasks and powers to the Department of Education and Training, the Director of the Department of Education and Training and related organizations and individuals in organizing the entrance exam for grade 10 high school in the 2024-2025 school year in Thai Binh province.

Pho Chu tich UBND tinh Thai Binh Pham Van Nghiem chu tri buoi hop bao hom 20.8. Anh: Trung Du
Vice Chairman of Thai Binh Provincial People's Committee Pham Van Nghiem chaired the press conference on August 20. Photo: Trung Du

Based on the inspection conclusion; on August 20, the People's Committee of Thai Binh province held a press conference to provide information on the results of the entrance exam for grade 10 of high school in the 2024-2025 school year in Thai Binh province; at the same time, it directed the Provincial Inspectorate to continue inspecting the Department of Education and Training, the Director of the Department of Education and Training and related organizations and individuals in organizing the exam; directed the Department of Education and Training to urgently prepare conditions to organize the new school year according to the direction of the Ministry of Education and Training.

With the guiding viewpoint that all violations by organizations and individuals must be strictly handled in accordance with the Party's regulations and the State's laws; on the basis of the Inspection Conclusion, the Provincial People's Committee has directed competent agencies to carry out steps, processes and procedures to review and handle cadres, civil servants and public employees according to their authority.

Based on the proposal of the Disciplinary Council for leading and managing civil servants, on September 20, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee issued disciplinary decisions against leading and managing civil servants of the Department of Education and Training, including: Mr. Nguyen Viet Hien - Member of the Provincial Party Committee, Director of the Department of Education and Training, disciplined by dismissal; Ms. Tran Thi Bich Van - Deputy Director of the Department of Education and Training, disciplined by reprimand; Mr. Dang Xuan Phong - Deputy Director of the Department of Education and Training, seriously reviewed and learned from experience.

For Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Ha - Deputy Director of Department of Education and Training, reviewing experience at the review conference for leading and managing civil servants of the Department of Education and Training.

For the collectives and individuals belonging to or directly under the Department of Education and Training whose violations have been mentioned in the Inspection Conclusions, the People's Committee of Thai Binh province has directed the Department of Education and Training to review and handle them according to procedures, decentralization and authority to ensure objectivity, fairness; transparency; strictness and compliance with the law. After having the results, the Department of Education and Training will report to the competent authorities according to regulations.

The handling of individuals who let violations occur demonstrates the spirit of education, warning, and deterrence, but is also extremely resolute and strict; the officials and civil servants who let violations occur have fully recognized their responsibilities and accepted disciplinary action.

Dai dien lanh dao So GD&DT Thai Binh, Thanh tra tinh thong tin tai buoi hop bao hom 20.8. Anh: Trung Du
Representatives of the Thai Binh Department of Education and Training and the Provincial Inspectorate informed at a press conference on August 20. Photo: Trung Du

Regarding the results of the 10th grade entrance exam for the 2024-2025 school year after the Inspection Conclusion, the press release said: Based on the Inspection Conclusions of the Chief Inspector of the province, the People's Committee of Thai Binh province has directed the Department of Education and Training to carry out procedures under its authority to announce the exam scores of candidates and organize admission according to regulations to ensure the implementation time of the school year plan on the basis of the principle of real study, real exam, real results.

As a result, after two rounds of admission, 525 students were admitted to Thai Binh Specialized High School and 15,770 students were admitted to public high schools. After the announcement of the scores (August 20), 252 candidates with a total of 490 exams requested a review. The results showed that 489 exams had unchanged scores, 1 exam increased by 0.5 points but did not change the admission results.

On September 4, based on the assigned quota, the number of students who did not enroll, and the request of the admission council of public high schools, the Thai Binh Department of Education and Training announced the additional enrollment quota of the schools; as a result, 87 candidates were admitted. The total number of candidates approved for admission was 16,287 candidates.

In the 2024-2025 school year, the province will have 747 educational institutions, 12,118 classes and over 400,000 students. 100% of educational institutions in the province held opening ceremonies for the new school year on the morning of September 5, 2024, creating a joyful and exciting atmosphere to welcome the new school year.

Up to now, high schools have stabilized, students, parents and people of the province support the way and method of solving the problem. The Provincial People's Committee has been directing the Department of Education and Training and relevant agencies to synchronously deploy solutions to successfully carry out the tasks of the school year.

According to the People's Committee of Thai Binh province, it is regrettable that mistakes and violations occurred and that leaders of the education sector in Thai Binh province had to be disciplined. However, this is also a profound lesson that needs to be seriously learned from in organizing exams in the education sector; at the same time, it is also an experience in the leadership and direction of the People's Committee of the province.


Gia hạn tạm đình chỉ công tác Giám đốc Sở GDĐT Thái Bình


UBND tỉnh Thái Bình đã quyết định gia hạn thời gian tạm đình chỉ công tác đối với ông Nguyễn Viết Hiển - Giám đốc Sở Giáo dục Đào tạo thêm 15 ngày.

Sở GDĐT Thái Bình xin lỗi thí sinh, phụ huynh về sai sót


Đại diện lãnh đạo Sở Giáo dục và Đào tạo Thái Bình xin lỗi và mong thí sinh, phụ huynh, nhân dân thông cảm về sự cố sai sót điểm thi vào lớp 10.

Giám đốc Sở GDĐT Thái Bình bị tạm đình chỉ công tác 15 ngày


Ông Nguyễn Viết Hiển - Giám đốc Sở Giáo dục Đào tạo (GDĐT) Thái Bình bị tạm đình chỉ công tác 15 ngày để phục vụ thanh tra.

Thời điểm Quân khu 7 tiếp nhận các đơn vị thuộc Quân đoàn 4


Từ ngày 23.9 - 27.9, các cơ quan đã trao quyết định điều động, bổ nhiệm nhiều sĩ quan quân đội và Quân khu 7 chuẩn bị tiếp nhận các đơn vị thuộc Quân đoàn 4.

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Khương Duy |

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Bích Tuyền có thể chạm trán đối chuyền số 1 thế giới Paola Egonu


Việc LPB Ninh Bình giành vé dự giải vô địch các câu lạc bộ thế giới 2024 giúp tay đập Bích Tuyền có cơ hội chạm trán đối chuyền số 1 thế giới Paola Egonu.

Extending the temporary suspension of the Director of Thai Binh Department of Education and Training


The People's Committee of Thai Binh province has decided to extend the temporary suspension of Mr. Nguyen Viet Hien - Director of the Department of Education and Training for another 15 days.

Thai Binh Department of Education and Training apologized to candidates and parents for the error


Representatives of the Thai Binh Department of Education and Training apologized and hoped candidates, parents, and people would sympathize about the 10th grade entrance exam score error .

The Director of Thai Binh Department of Education and Training was temporarily suspended from work for 15 days


Mr. Nguyen Viet Hien - Director of Thai Binh Department of Education and Training was temporarily suspended from work for 15 days to serve the inspection.