Mr. Le Tung Lam - Head of the Urban Committee of the People's Council of Da Nang City - said on December 12 that the Urban Development Program of Da Nang City for the period 2021-2030 has some key targets that are very difficult to complete and achieve in the coming time, especially in 2025.
Accordingly, the current urban traffic density is 4.49% (the target by 2025 is 10%); the public passenger transport rate is 3.08% (the target by 2025 is 15%); the urban green area is 2.64 m2/person (in 2025 it is 5 m2/person); the average housing area per capita is 28.1 m2/person (in 2025 it is 30 m2/person)...
At the forum of the 21st session of the People's Council (PC), term X, term 2021 - 2026 on the morning of December 12, Le Tung Lam suggested that the Urban Development Program should be considered an important information data hub integrating many contents, information, and data related to many important, priority programs, projects, and projects that need to be implemented comprehensively and synchronously. This program is also an important tool in implementing, monitoring, supervising, and evaluating the management of urban development investment in a systematic, synchronous, and effective manner.
Mr. Phung Phu Phong - Director of the Department of Construction of Da Nang City - said that after the Prime Minister approved Project 359, the city immediately implemented the Urban Development Program and it was approved in 2022. This is the basis for planning development and urban management of Da Nang. The urban development program is also the basis for considering upgrading the urban type for Hoa Vang district.
"The indicators of the Urban Development Program are based on the general planning of Project 359 and the zoning plans. These indicators point out the weaknesses and shortcomings of Da Nang City and what needs to be supplemented. For example, the indicator on urban-level sports facilities, the city currently has 5 and the plan for 2025 is to add 7, according to the report of the Department of Sports and Physical Training, it has been achieved.
There are some indicators that are very difficult to add, such as the indicators on traffic land density and traffic road density. For the central urban area, this indicator is very difficult to add. However, calculating the average indicator for the whole urban area has a basis for calculating with suburban urban areas and new urban areas," said Mr. Phong.