Official information on the progress of the North-South high-speed railway

Xuyên Đông |

On the afternoon of October 1, the Ministry of Transport held an information exchange with the press about the investment policy for the North-South high-speed railway project.

Toan canh buoi cung cap thong tin cho bao chi ve du an duong sat cao toc Bac - Nam. Anh: Xuyen Dong
Overview of the press briefing on the North-South high-speed railway project. Photo: Xuyen Dong

18 years in the making

Speaking at a press briefing, Deputy Minister of Transport Nguyen Danh Huy said that this is a project that has been cherished for a long time. The Ministry of Transport is determined to complete the project in 2035 or even earlier.

Over the past 18 years, the Ministry of Transport has carried out many studies with the support of international organizations and consultants, of which the 2010 Pre-Feasibility Study (PFS) of the project was approved by the Politburo in terms of investment policy, but has not yet been approved by competent authorities.

On February 28, 2023, the Politburo issued Conclusion No. 49-KL/TW, which oriented "building a modern, synchronous, feasible, effective high-speed railway line with a long-term strategic vision, promoting the country's potential advantages, in line with the world's development trends".

Based on Conclusion No. 49-KL/TW, the Ministry of Transport has conducted thorough and comprehensive research and evaluation, synthesizing experiences in developing high-speed railways around the world.

The Ministry has organized an interdisciplinary working group to survey 6 countries with developed high-speed railway systems in the world; receiving opinions from ministries, branches, the State Appraisal Council, the Central Economic Committee, the National Assembly Committees, the results of the working group of the Ministry of Planning and Investment, opinions from professional social organizations, experts, scientists, the Government Standing Committee, and the Government to complete the Project dossier.

After many meetings, the Government has agreed on the investment plan for a high-speed railway line on the North-South axis with a design speed of 350 km/h, ensuring modernity, synchronization, and conformity with the development trend in the world in accordance with Conclusion No. 49-KL/TW of the Politburo; passenger transport, meeting the dual-use requirements between economy and national defense, security and freight transport when necessary; the expected completion date is 2035; at the same time, implementing the renovation and upgrading of the existing railway on the North-South axis to transport goods and passengers on suitable routes and some other contents to ensure the implementation of the Project.

On September 18, 2024, the Politburo issued a conclusion on the project investment policy, which determined: The high-speed railway is a symbolic project with strategic significance, especially important in terms of economy, politics, society, national defense, security and international integration.

Total investment 67.34 billion USD

After much research, the Ministry of Transport has finalized the investment proposal as follows:

Investing in a high-speed railway line with a design speed of 350 km/h; length of about 1,541 km; double track, gauge 1,435 mm, electrification; total investment of about 67.34 billion USD.

The investment rate is about 43.7 million USD/km, which is the average compared to some countries when converted to 2024.

The Ministry of Transport cited the investment cost of the Nuremberg - Ingolstadt line of Germany, operating speed of 300 km/h, 60.5 million USD/km; the LGV Sud Europe - Atlantique line of France, operating speed of 300 km/h, 45.2 million USD/km; the Osong - Mokpo line of Korea, operating speed of 305 km/h, 53.6 million USD/km; the Beijing - Shanghai line of China, operating speed of 350 km/h, 33.1 million USD/km; the Jakarta - Bandung line of Indonesia, operating speed of 350 km/h, 52 million USD/km.

Expected progress

The project was submitted to the National Assembly for approval of investment policy at the 8th Session: October 2024.

Bidding to select international consultants, conducting surveys, preparing a Feasibility Study Report in 2025-2026; implementing site clearance, bidding to select contractors and starting construction at the end of 2027.

Strive to complete construction of the entire route by 2035, 10 years earlier than Conclusion No. 49-KL/TW.

Investment form, capital source

Investment form: Proposal to apply public investment form.

Capital sources: From the central budget arranged in medium-term periods, capital contributed by localities, mobilized capital with low costs and few constraints... During the construction and operation process, businesses will be called upon to invest in service and commercial areas at stations; invest in additional means of exploitation when needed.

Mining organization

The exploitation organization plan will be adjusted to suit the transportation needs at each time and service object, ensuring effective exploitation of the infrastructure system.

In the project, it is proposed to organize the exploitation mainly with 2 types of trains (trains stopping at some main stations, trains stopping alternately at all stations); when needed, the train schedule will be adjusted to transport goods, serving national defense and security.

Management organization plan

Vietnam Railway Corporation is the unit that receives, manages, operates and exploits the entire infrastructure of the route; is assigned all means and equipment for exploitation and is responsible for paying the debt for investment costs of means and equipment.

To ensure the requirements of operation, exploitation, and reference to international experience, Vietnam Railways Corporation will establish 2 enterprises: 1 enterprise to manage, operate infrastructure and operate railway transport; 1 enterprise to receive vehicles invested from the project to operate transport.

Xuyên Đông

Đường sắt cao tốc Bắc - Nam dự kiến hoàn thành năm 2035

Xuyên Đông |

Trong báo cáo mới đây của Bộ Giao thông Vận tải, Việt Nam phấn đấu hoàn thành đầu tư toàn tuyến đường sắt cao tốc Bắc - Nam trong năm 2035.

Bộ GTVT thông tin về dự án đường sắt cao tốc hơn 7 tỉ USD

Xuyên Đông |

Dự án đường sắt cao tốc Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh - Cần Thơ với mức đầu tư hơn 7 tỉ USD được người dân rất quan tâm. Ngày 7.2, Bộ Giao thông Vận tải (GTVT) thông tin về dự án này.

Cân nhắc phát triển đường sắt cao tốc khu vực Đồng Bằng sông Cửu Long

Xuyên Đông |

Dự án đường sắt cao tốc đang rất được người dân quan tâm.

Người dân Hà Nội khoác áo dài, hào hứng đón không khí lạnh


Do ảnh hưởng của không khí lạnh, thời tiết Hà Nội bắt đầu chuyển sang mát mẻ, se lạnh vào buổi sáng.

Huyện nông thôn mới đầu tiên của Quảng Ninh lên thành phố

Đoàn Hưng |

Quảng Ninh - Ngày 1.11.2024, Nghị quyết của Ủy ban Thường vụ Quốc hội về việc thành lập thành phố Đông Triều thuộc tỉnh Quảng Ninh sẽ chính thức có hiệu lực.

Cận cảnh côn trùng chưa có thuốc trị tấn công lúa diện rộng

Lục Tùng - Phong Linh |

Kiên Giang - Trong bối cảnh chưa có thuốc đặc trị, bọ xít hôi có khả năng tiếp tục gây hại trên nhiều cánh đồng lúaĐồng bằng sông Cửu Long.

Huy động 30 đặc công nước tìm kiếm nạn nhân ở cầu Phong Châu

Tô Công (Nguồn: Hải quân cung cấp) |

30 thợ lặn thuộc Lữ đoàn Đặc công 126 là những chiến sĩ tinh nhuệ được huy động cho việc tìm kiếm 4 nạn nhân trong vụ sập cầu Phong Châu.

Trung tâm thương mại trăm tỉ đồng trên đất vàng vẫn đìu hiu

An Khánh |

Sau gần 10 năm tổ hợp Trung tâm thương mại (TTTM) - chợ trăm tỉ đồng xây trên đất vàng vùng biên xứ Lạng, người dân và tiểu thương đã vỡ mộng vì việc kinh doanh không sầm uất được như chủ đầu tư và lãnh đạo tỉnh Lạng Sơn đã khẳng định trước đó.

North-South high-speed railway expected to be completed in 2035

Xuyên Đông |

In a recent report by the Ministry of Transport, Vietnam strives to complete investment in the entire North-South high-speed railway route by 2035.

Bộ GTVT thông tin về dự án đường sắt cao tốc hơn 7 tỉ USD

Xuyên Đông |

Dự án đường sắt cao tốc Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh - Cần Thơ với mức đầu tư hơn 7 tỉ USD được người dân rất quan tâm. Ngày 7.2, Bộ Giao thông Vận tải (GTVT) thông tin về dự án này.

Cân nhắc phát triển đường sắt cao tốc khu vực Đồng Bằng sông Cửu Long

Xuyên Đông |

Dự án đường sắt cao tốc đang rất được người dân quan tâm.