The Ministry of Finance responds to personal income tax debt

Minh Ánh |

On the morning of August 5, the Ministry of Finance provided feedback, answering the problem that many people were surprised because they suddenly owed personal income tax when they had income from many sources.

On the morning of August 5, the Ministry of Finance responded and answered the issue of individuals with multiple sources of income who were suddenly sent notices by tax authorities to collect personal income tax for many years, with amounts of up to hundreds of millions of dong. , of which nearly half are fines and late payments. Worth mentioning, there are many people who accidentally have not declared their income of only a few hundred thousand dong, but have been charged tens of millions of dong for late payment.

The Ministry of Finance said that Decree No. 126/2020/ND-CP dated October 19, 2020 of the Government has detailed regulations on cases where resident individuals authorize personal income tax finalization for work units.

Accordingly, the individual has 01 source of income from a labor contract of 03 months or more at 01 unit and is actually working there at the time of personal income tax finalization; Individuals have 01 source of income from a labor contract of 03 months or more and have current income from other places with an average monthly income of no more than 10 million VND in the year and have personal income tax deducted at the rate of 10% if Individuals do not need to settle this current income.

Individuals who do not fall into the above cases must directly finalize personal income tax with the tax authority to determine tax obligations according to finalization. In case an individual authorizes final settlement not in accordance with regulations, the tax authority checks, verifies, and requires the individual to fulfill obligations and collect taxes according to regulations.

On the eTax Mobile application, there is a function "Look up settlement information" to help individuals look up some information about their own income such as: sources of income at payment organizations during the year, number Deducted personal income tax and deductible amounts. This information is compiled by the Tax authority from data declared by organizations that pay individuals' income to the Tax authority and is the basis for individuals to capture information and monitor tax settlement obligations. Your own personal income.

In addition, the Tax Department has now implemented sending notices of personal income tax finalization obligations via email and via the eTax Mobile application before the tax finalization deadline to taxpayers who are individuals with electronic tax accounts and have Use the eTax Mobile application.

In addition, for individual taxpayers with tax debt, they will receive a tax debt notice via email provided to the tax authority or registered electronic tax account.

"Currently, the tax authority has actively propagated to taxpayers to proactively install and register to use the eTax Mobile application, provide email information and promptly update the latest information to the tax authority. so that taxpayers can promptly get information about the tax debt situation" - said the Ministry of Finance.

Minh Ánh

Thu nhập vừa cải thiện đã phải gánh thuế

Minh Ánh |

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Điểm mặt loạt doanh nghiệp nợ thuế lớn ở Huế


HUẾ - Nhiều doanh nghiệp ở Huế nợ thuế với số tiền lớn, có doanh nghiệp nợ hơn 180 tỉ đồng.

Gặp khó khi làm thủ tục hoàn thuế thu nhập cá nhân

Hải Lan |

Nhiều người gặp khó khăn trong quá trình làm thủ tục hoàn thuế thu nhập cá nhân do các thủ tục, chứng từ phức tạp nên đã chấp nhận bỏ số tiền này, hoặc phải thuê dịch vụ hỗ trợ để được hoàn thuế.

Lào Cai thông tin về nhu cầu, đầu mối hỗ trợ bà con vùng lũ

Bảo Nguyên |

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Bắt nguyên Trưởng phòng Tài nguyên và Môi trường huyện Bảo Lâm


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Bão số 3 Yagi - cơn bão khác thường mạnh nhất châu Á năm nay

Thanh Hà |

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Đắk Nông điều động, bổ nhiệm nhiều cán bộ chủ chốt


Ban Thường vụ Tỉnh ủy Đắk Nông vừa quyết định điều động, phân công, bổ nhiệm nhiều cán bộ chủ chốt.

Đã khắc phục xong sự cố đường dây 500kV sau bão số 3

Anh Tuấn |

Tính đến sáng 16.9, EVN đã cấp điện lại được hơn 5,98 triệu khách hàng trên tổng số khoảng 6,1 triệu khách hàng bị ảnh hưởng do bão số 3.

Income has just improved and tax has to be paid

Minh Ánh |

According to experts, increasing wages helps people's lives improve, but as soon as income increases a little, it falls into the category of personal income tax.

Spotlight on Major Tax-Debt Enterprises in Hue


HUẾ - Many businesses in Hue owe taxes with large amounts, some businesses owe more than 180 billion VND.

Gặp khó khi làm thủ tục hoàn thuế thu nhập cá nhân

Hải Lan |

Nhiều người gặp khó khăn trong quá trình làm thủ tục hoàn thuế thu nhập cá nhân do các thủ tục, chứng từ phức tạp nên đã chấp nhận bỏ số tiền này, hoặc phải thuê dịch vụ hỗ trợ để được hoàn thuế.