Barefoot tourism in Ca Mau Cape


Ca Mau - Despite being bosses, with large properties and assets, the owners of tourist areas in Ca Mau Cape still go barefoot when receiving guests.

The barefoot bosses

Since 2013, the first community tourism models have been developed in Dat Mui, Ca Mau. By 2016, when the Ho Chi Minh route connected to the southernmost point of the country (where the GPS-0001 coordinate marker is located), the number of tourists has increased. As community tourism has developed strongly, local people have also become more and more methodical in tourism.

Ong Nhuyen Van Huong, chu nhan cua diem du lich cong dong Nguyen Van Huong, xa Dat Mui, huyen Ngoc Hien, Ca Mau huong dan khach du lich phan biet cua ngon hay khong. Anh: Nhat Ho
Mr. Nhuyen Van Huong - owner of Nguyen Van Huong community tourism site, Dat Mui commune, Ngoc Hien district, Ca Mau - guides tourists to distinguish between good and bad crabs. Photo: Nhat Ho

Mr. Nguyen Minh Dua's family (in Con Mui hamlet, Dat Mui commune, Ngoc Hien district) has been doing community tourism since 2019.

When he started doing tourism, Mr. Dua also visited and learned many places to find a way to develop. His family is using all the strengths of the land to serve tourists. These are tourism products that experience the traditional occupations of the local people such as: Fishing, setting crab traps; pouring traps; looking for crabs, catching snails...

La ong chu, co tai san hang ti dong, nhung ong chu khu diem du lich Nguyen Van Huong di chan dat, bat ca mot cach rat binh thuong. Anh: Nhat Ho
As a boss with billions of dong in assets, the owner of the tourist site, Nguyen Van Huong, goes barefoot and catches fish in a very normal way. Photo: Nhat Ho

Also in this hamlet, Mr. Nguyen Van Huong, after many years of working in tourism, has a fortune of billions but looks like a shrimp farmer. He goes barefoot to receive guests, catch crabs, fish, and trap quail... and also guides visitors.

Mr. Huong explained: “What boss, guys? We do community tourism. Customers come here to experience, to find the atmosphere of shrimp farming, fishing, and crab catching, but if we keep our shirt tucked in our pants and act like the boss, we will lose.”

Nhan vien quan ly cua Cty TNHH MTV Thuong mai - Dich vu - Xay dung - Du lich Hoang Hon (ao soc ca ro) huong dan khach bat ba khia trong rung duoc. Anh: Nhat Ho
Manager of Hoang Hon Trading - Service - Construction - Tourism Company Limited (plaid shirt) guides tourists to catch crabs in the mangrove forest. Photo: Nhat Ho

Most of the owners of community tourism sites in Ca Mau Cape had never been on a tour before. However, after a period of participation, they know what tourists need and want to adjust.

Looking to the future

However, they have a long-term vision for tourism in Dat Mui, because Dat Mui is unique, there cannot be a second one. Tourism can only develop, not stop. That is why, after a period of working in tourism, Mr. Nguyen Hoang Hon boldly sent his child to study tourism.

Mr. Hon believes that he was able to do it thanks to the guidance of the authorities and sectors, but if he wants to develop, he must study systematically. That is why he sent his son to study Tourism Management. After graduating, Nguyen Trung Kien - his son - managed the Hoang Hon tourist site.

Mot diem de du khach trai nghiem bat ngheu tai bai boi Dat Mui, Ca Mau. Anh: Nhat Ho
A place for tourists to experience clam catching at Dat Mui alluvial land, Ca Mau. Photo: Nhat Ho

Trung Kien shared that every family in the locality has forest land, this is a valuable tourism product, but his peers often do not stay on forest land but work in many places.

When he returned to his hometown to join the youth union, Kien shared his idea of ​​linking up to develop community tourism, serving tourists together and sharing benefits. Some of them recognized his strengths and together established a club with 15 members.

These people take tourists to experience and plant trees at home. Tourists who contribute to the ecological environment and regenerate nature will be more excited and this is what stimulates tourists to come back again.

Cung du khach trai nghiem bat ba khia trong dem. Anh: Nhat Ho
Experience catching crabs at night with tourists. Photo: Nhat Ho

Ngoc Hien District, Ca Mau Province has 9 households doing effective community tourism. In 2024, 18 more households will register to develop. In addition to experiential products, Ngoc Hien District encourages the development of more tourism products with historical elements, such as: renovating and investing in the Uncle Ho Temple to become a destination; recreating the lives of the uncles and aunts who used to be revolutionary activists in the locality so that visitors can see what it was like to "distill water in cans, and eat fish sauce when hungry".

Theo UBND huyen Ngoc Hien, tinh Ca Mau ngay cang co nhieu ho dang ky lam du lich boi mo hinh du lich da tao thu nhap on dinh, tao viec lam cho nhieu thanh nien tai dia phuong. Anh: Nhat Ho
According to the People's Committee of Ngoc Hien district, more and more households are registering to do tourism because the tourism model has created stable income and jobs for many local youth. Photo: Nhat Ho

The locality has had specific policies to support and encourage households to do community tourism, creating more and more products to serve and retain tourists when they return to the locality.


Vượt 2.000km, du khách ấn tượng khi đến Mũi Cà Mau

Nhật Hồ - Tạ Quang |

Cà Mau – Nhiều du khách đến với tỉnh Cà Mau đã bất ngờ và ấn tượng trước sự đổi thay của điểm cực nam của Tổ quốc.

Cà Mau kêu gọi đầu tư cảng Hòn Khoai 2,5 tỉ USD


Tỉnh Cà Mau chính thức kêu gọi đầu tư 5 dự án lớn trong năm 2024 và các năm tiếp theo, trong đó có Cảng biển tổng hợp Hòn Khoai.

Cà Mau, Bạc Liêu chung tay ủng hộ đồng bào bị thiệt hại do bão số 3


Bí thư Tỉnh ủy Cà Mau có điện thăm hỏi đồng bào bị ảnh hưởng cơn bão số 3 và thông tin ủng hộ 6,7 tỉ đồng để chung tay khắc phục hậu quả thiên tai.

Dù trời mưa, khách đến Cà Mau dịp 2.9 vẫn tăng


Các điểm du lịch tại tỉnh Cà Mau tăng cao vào dịp nghỉ 2.9 dù thời tiết không thuận lợi, mưa nhiều.

Cà Mau - điểm sáng nơi địa đầu Tổ quốc


Cà Mau là địa phương duy nhất của cả nước có 3 mặt giáp biển với tổng chiều dài bờ biển hơn 250km, chiếm 1/3 chiều dài bờ biển toàn vùng ĐBSCL. Nơi đây đã và đang từng bước chuyển mình trở thành 1 trong 4 tỉnh, thành động lực của vùng ĐBSCL.

Cà Mau sẽ có Quảng trường mang tên Phan Ngọc Hiển


Quảng trường Phan Ngọc Hiển, tỉnh Cà Mau tổng mức đầu tư hơn 236 tỉ đồng, đang được triển khai. Đây là công trình chào mừng Đại hội Đảng của tỉnh Cà Mau.

Chỉ mới 80.000m3 cát biển về cao tốc Cần Thơ - Cà Mau


Do ảnh hưởng điều kiện khai thác nên đến thời điểm hiện tại chỉ khoảng 80.000m3 cát biển đưa về cao tốc Cần Thơ - Cà Mau.

Lao động Đồng Tháp hạnh phúc hồi hương, có việc ổn định

Lục Tùng - Phong Linh |

Đồng Tháp - Với nhiều chủ trương thiết thực, hiệu quả, Đồng Tháp không chỉ kết nối mà còn giúp người lao động hồi hương tìm thấy hạnh phúc ngay quê nhà.

Traveling 2,000km, tourists are impressed when arriving at Ca Mau Cape

Nhật Hồ - Tạ Quang |

Ca Mau – Many tourists coming to Ca Mau province were surprised and impressed by the changes of the southernmost point of the country.

Ca Mau calls for investment in Hon Khoai port of 2.5 billion USD


Ca Mau province officially calls for investment in 5 major projects in 2024 and the following years, including Hon Khoai General Seaport.

Ca Mau supports 6.7 billion VND to overcome the consequences of storms and floods in the North


The Secretary of the Ca Mau Provincial Party Committee sent a message to visit people affected by storm No. 3 and informed about the donation of 6.7 billion VND to join hands to overcome the consequences of natural disasters.

Despite the rain, the number of visitors to Ca Mau on September 2nd still increased.


Tourist attractions in Ca Mau province increased during the September 2 holiday despite unfavorable weather and heavy rain.

Ca Mau - a bright spot at the headland of the Fatherland


Ca Mau is the only locality in the country that has 3 sides bordering the sea with a total coastline of more than 250km, accounting for 1/3 of the coastline of the entire Mekong Delta. This place has been gradually transforming itself into 1 of the 4 dynamic provinces and cities of the Mekong Delta .

Ca Mau will have a Square named after Phan Ngoc Hien


Phan Ngoc Hien Square, Ca Mau province , with a total investment of more than 236 billion VND, is being implemented. This is a project to welcome the Party Congress of Ca Mau province.

Only 80,000m3 of sea sand has reached the Can Tho - Ca Mau highway


Due to the impact of mining conditions, up to now only about 80,000m3 of sea sand has been brought to Can Tho - Ca Mau highway .