Forecast of gasoline price reduction in the next adjustment session

Anh Tuấn |

If world oil prices maintain the increase of the past few days, in the next adjustment session (October 3), domestic gasoline prices are expected to decrease sharply.

Recorded at 9:32 a.m. on January 1 (Vietnam time), world oil prices increased. WTI crude oil traded at 68.28 USD/barrel, up 0.11 USD/barrel, equivalent to an increase of 0.26%. Brent oil traded at 71.80 USD/barrel, up 0.10 USD/barrel, equivalent to an increase of 0.14%.

Despite the rise in oil prices in the morning adjustment session on October 1, WTI oil has fallen 7% in September - the biggest monthly decline since October 2023. In the third quarter, Brent oil prices have fallen more than 17%, while WTI oil prices have fallen nearly 18%.

Given the downward trend in world prices, forecasts show that domestic gasoline prices may decrease in the next adjustment period (October 3).

Of which, the price of RON 95 gasoline is forecast to decrease by 730 VND/liter; E5 RON 92 gasoline is forecast to decrease by 700 VND; diesel is forecast to decrease by 160 VND/liter. The above forecast prices do not take into account the authorities' allocation or use of the Petroleum Price Stabilization Fund.

Domestically, retail gasoline prices on September 30 are as follows:

E5 RON 92 gasoline is not more than 19,620 VND/liter.

RON 95-III gasoline is not more than 20,518 VND/liter.

Diesel oil not more than 17,506 VND/liter.

Kerosene not more than 17,873 VND/liter.

Fuel oil not exceeding 15,357 VND/kg.

Anh Tuấn

Giá xăng dầu hôm nay 30.9: Tăng mạnh phiên đầu tuần

Hà Vy |

Giá xăng dầu hôm nay 30.9: Giá xăng dầu hôm nay đồng loạt tăng mạnh. Dầu thô WTI đạt 68,59 USD/thùng; dầu Brent đạt 72,00 USD/thùng.

Giá xăng dự báo điều chỉnh ra sao trong phiên điều hành tới?

Anh Tuấn |

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Giá xăng dầu hôm nay 29.9: Dự báo giá xăng giảm mạnh kỳ tới

Hà Vy |

Giá xăng dầu trong kỳ điều hành giá kỳ tới dự báo giảm mạnh. Trong đó, xăng có thể giảm khoảng 600-700 đồng/lít; dầu giảm khoảng 300 đồng/lít.

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Gasoline price today September 30: Strong increase at the beginning of the week

Hà Vy |

Oil prices today, September 30: Oil prices today increased sharply. WTI crude oil reached 68.59 USD/barrel; Brent oil reached 72.00 USD/barrel.

How is gasoline price expected to be adjusted in the next operating session?

Anh Tuấn |

If world oil prices maintain the increase of the past few days, in the next adjustment session (October 3), domestic gasoline prices are expected to decrease sharply.

Gasoline price today September 29: Gasoline price forecast to drop sharply next period

Hà Vy |

Gasoline prices are expected to decrease sharply in the next price adjustment period. Of which, gasoline may decrease by about 600-700 VND/liter; oil may decrease by about 300 VND/liter.