Tax sector has open dialogue, removing difficulties for taxpayers


The Tax Directorate requires modernizing management and implementing comprehensive digital transformation to create the most favorable conditions for taxpayers.

On September 29, information from the Tax Directorate said that this agency had just organized a dialogue conference between the Tax sector and the business community and taxpayers.

Statistics up to 4:00 p.m. on September 27, the total number of questions received by the Organizing Committee was 401 from 233 foreign investors. The number of questions answered directly at the conference was up to nearly 300.

After a day of working with a very serious and urgent spirit, delegates representing enterprises and taxpayers in 5 provinces and cities in the Southern region, including: Ho Chi Minh City, Dong Nai, Binh Duong, Long An, Ba Ria - Vung Tau, together with the Tax Directorate, exchanged, discussed and answered problems and difficulties that taxpayers encountered in the process of fulfilling tax obligations and complying with tax laws.

Nhieu vuong mac cua nguoi nop thue duoc giai dap tai hoi nghi. Anh: Tong cuc Thue
Many taxpayers' concerns were resolved at the conference. Photo: Tax Directorate

Directorate Directorate of Tax Mai Xuan Thanh affirmed: "With a firm grasp of the spirit of the goal of taking taxpayers as the center of service, through this conference, the problems of enterprises and taxpayers have become clear. The Tax Directorate commits to always be consistent and continue to strengthen the direction of tax authorities at all levels to urgently and promptly handle tax administrative procedures. Accordingly, regularly review and speed up the processing of outstanding work and tasks and increase dialogue, listen to the difficulties and problems of taxpayers to find ways to resolve them together."

At the conference, Directorate General Mai Xuan Thanh requested tax authorities at all levels to continue to reform administration, modernize management, and carry out comprehensive digital transformation to create the most favorable conditions for businesses and taxpayers such as: deploying electronic tax services (declaration, tax payment, tax refund, etc.); deploying etax mobile application; electronic invoices; electronic invoices generated from cash registers; Electronic information portal for foreign suppliers; Electronic information portal for e-commerce trading floors;...

In addition, the Directorate expressed that the tax authority also hopes to receive understanding and sharing from the business community and taxpayers regarding the challenges that the tax authority is facing in the face of invoice and tax refund fraud; increasingly sophisticated tax evasion and avoidance tricks have partly affected even taxpayers who comply well with and abide by tax laws.

Tax authorities are urgently researching and implementing strong solutions, applying advanced technology solutions to promptly detect acts of fraud, tax evasion and avoidance, thereby moving towards a clean invoice environment; applying artificial intelligence (AI) in automatically answering questions; and scoring taxpayers' satisfaction with tax authorities, thereby bringing fairness to taxpayers with high compliance awareness, good compliance with tax laws, creating a healthy and transparent investment, production and business environment.


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