Incline push-ups
Push-ups are a popular chest exercise that requires no equipment. First, choose a flat surface to start your exercise.
Place your hands on a flat surface to start.
Lower your body until your chest almost touches your torso to work your upper chest, triceps, and deltoids.
Pike push-ups
To do this move, first start in a push-up position.
Raise hips up and down to work upper chest.
Repeat 30 times or more (depending on your health).
Archer Push-Ups
To do this exercise, first start in a push-up position with your feet on a chair.
Lower your body and shift your weight from one hand to the other, focusing on your upper chest.
Diamond push-ups
To do this exercise, first, start in a high plank position on the mat. Make sure your body forms a straight line and your hands are placed directly under your shoulders.
Bring your hands closer together to form a diamond shape with your thumb and index finger.
Bring your body closer to the ground by bending your elbows.
Push yourself up onto the first step by keeping your arms straight.
Chair push-ups
Grip the edge of the chair with your hands shoulder-width apart.
Lower your body and bend your elbows to work your lower chest.
Do push-ups for a few seconds.
Spread your arms out and get into a plank position.
Bend your elbows out as you bring your body closer to the ground.
Stop when your chest touches your elbows.
Press your hands to lift your body up.