Effects of Zumba on weight loss and visceral fat burning


Zumba is a sport that includes cardio and Latin-inspired dances, effective in losing weight and burning visceral fat.

Zumba involves movement of the entire body, helping you burn calories, increase endurance, improve cardiovascular health, control blood pressure, increase pain threshold and improve quality of life.

According to the American Academy of Sports Medicine, 39 minutes of Zumba dancing can help a person burn about 9.5 calories per minute, meaning you can lose up to 369 calories in a single Zumba session. If you burn about 250-300 calories per workout, you can effectively lose weight and burn visceral fat.

Zumba also impacts the connection between mind and body, developing motor skills, which is proven to have a great impact on our mental health. Reducing stress is a factor that greatly influences body fat loss.

At the same time, moving at a fast pace can help you increase your endurance. Improves cardiovascular health, helps control blood pressure levels. Provides energy after a stressful day of work.

Therefore, Zumba is an exercise suitable for everyone that not only helps you burn calories and lose weight but also helps control stress and maintain overall health.


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