Mỡ nội tạng

Fruits rich in vitamin C help reduce visceral fat extremely quickly

Hương Giang (Theo Health) |

Oranges are not only a delicious fruit but also effective in reducing visceral fat.

Japanese Soybeans - Natural Solution to Reduce Visceral Fat

Hương Giang (Theo Healthshots) |

Japanese soybeans are not only a popular food but also a "superfood" that effectively reduces visceral fat.

Exercises to help you reduce visceral fat instantly

Hương Giang (Theo Healthline) |

HIIT workouts help reduce visceral fat because they boost metabolism and burn calories both during and after your workout.

A delicious and fatty fruit that helps reduce visceral fat

Hương Giang (Theo Bệnh viện Đa khoa Medlatec) |

Avocado is a rich source of healthy fats, which help the body burn visceral fat more effectively.

4 low-carb fruits that effectively reduce visceral fat


A low-carb diet is a diet that reduces the amount of sugar found in foods containing sugar and starch, helping to reduce visceral fat.

Tips for eating tomatoes to effectively reduce visceral fat

Linh Đan - Hương Giang (Theo India Today) |

Adding tomatoes to your diet will help boost metabolism, burn excess fat and reduce visceral fat.

Benefits of kickboxing to reduce visceral fat

Linh Đan - Hương Giang |

Kickboxing is a high-intensity combat sport that helps eliminate excess body fat, especially visceral fat.

Kickboxing - a great choice to reduce visceral fat

Hương Giang (Theo Health) |

Kickboxing is a high-intensity cardio workout that is very effective at burning calories and reducing fat, especially visceral fat.

Chế độ ăn nguồn gốc thực vật giúp giảm mỡ nội tạng hiệu quả

Trần Hương (Theo Eatthis) |

Muốn giảm mỡ nội tạng bạn cần có chế độ ăn uống hợp lý, bạn đọc có thể tham khảo bài viết dưới đây.

3 foods to help lose weight and reduce visceral fat quickly

NHÓM PV (THEO Eat this not that) |

If you want to lose weight and reduce visceral fat, you can regularly use the 3 foods below.

2 breakfasts containing good fats help reduce visceral fat


Breakfast not only provides energy for a working day but also provides healthy nutrients, helping to reduce visceral fat.

Low-carb foods help reduce visceral fat effectively


For people who need to reduce visceral fat, maintaining a low-carb diet (a macronutrient that provides energy to the body) will be effective.

How does alcohol hinder visceral fat loss?

Trần Hương (Theo Eatthis) |

The following 4 reasons will make you give up alcohol if you want to quickly reduce visceral fat .

Nuts are rich in fat but help burn visceral fat

Hương Giang (Theo Bệnh viện Đa khoa Medlatec) |

Peanuts, or peanuts, are not only a delicious snack but also a powerful aid in burning visceral fat .

How to eat hamburgers without increasing blood sugar and visceral fat


Hamburgers are fast foods that contain a lot of calories, can affect blood sugar and cause visceral fat accumulation , so we need to eat hamburgers properly.