Visit the more than 600-year-old relic, a place serving the great King Hoang Ta Thon

Bài và ảnh Đặng Viết Tường |

The more than 600- year-old temple is hidden in a grove of ancient trees, about 500m from Lach Ken seaport, on the side of the beautiful coastal belt road in Yen Diem village, Thinh Loc commune, Loc Ha district, Ha Tinh province.

The relic was recognized by the People's Committee of Ha Tinh province as a cultural and historical relic in 2006. The temple is one of the places to worship famous general Secretary Hoang Ta Thon, founded by the people of the ancient Yen Diem village after his death. , was given the title Sat Hai Great King by the king.

The temple is over 600 years old in an ancient tree grove

According to the people of Yen Diem, when he was alive, Mr. Hoang Ta Thon went to fight the enemy to defend the country. He was injured when diving into the sea to destroy enemy ships. When passing through Dong Ken seaport, "three drops of blood" fell, and the local people built a temple. worship after death.

The ancient temple on the most beautiful coastal belt road in the province, located in Yen Diem village, Thinh Loc commune, Loc Ha district, Ha Tinh province, is hidden in the dark, quiet trees at the scenic spot of Chan Tien pagoda . National history . The garden has many ancient trees as tall as bamboo trees that three people can't hold in their arms. The relic protection area has an area of ​​about 2,000 square meters, with many items ranked as Cultural Heritage.

King Sat Hai Temple has typical architecture of the early Later Le period. At the front gate, there are 2 pillars with four square sides, at the top of the pillars are placed 2 goats flanking each other. Cultural Heritage decorations on the campus include: Tac Mon, a pair of prostrate stone elephants and a pair of blue stone desks. Next is the five-story Noon Gate, the main gate in the middle has 2 high and wide floors, the two side gates are low, one floor. Next to the side gate, each side has a statue of a gate deity standing guard. In front of the statue of the god, there is a green stone altar, where fishermen prepare offerings to the gods every time they go to sea to catch seafood or the village holds a fishing festival.

Ngo Mon has many parallel sentences in Chinese characters. For example: "Ten thousand great spirits of the sun and moon/ Thousands of years of miracles leaving mountains and rivers" (Temporarily translated: Ten thousand generations of talented breath day and night/ Thousands of years of stories holding back mountains and rivers) praising merits and achievements of the Great King Sat Hai. On the upper floor there is a horizontal panel with three large words: "Linh at sacrifice" - roughly translated as "Sacred place of sacrifice".

The temple's architecture is designed in the style of Dinh (Sino-Vietnamese), including a horizontal worship house, a vertical worship house, and a scale-tiled tiled roof. The front of the worship house is empty with 3 entrances, the side is built with a wall, the back is connected to the palace (where the statue of Hoang Ta Thon, the altar, and the divine emblem are placed). The worshiping hall is used as a place for elders, officials and villagers to worship the Great King Sat Hai during the Lunar New Year, periodic fishing festivals and before fishermen go to sea to exploit seafood. It is also the place where gongs, drums, musical instruments, various sacrificial instruments and diplomas are placed to recognize and rank historical and cultural relics. Below the relic is a horizontal plaque with Chinese characters clearly stating "Linh class deity". Meaning: A sacred deity respected by the people.

In the funeral hall, there are wooden statues and dragon inscriptions with the title of Sat Hai Great King Hoang Ta Thon: "Truong Duc Bao Trung Hung Sat Hai, the great general, respects the gods, fathers the country and protects the people, chanting in advance the holy scriptures, granting honor." ordained a promise to serve; The 4th Imperial Dynasty inaugurated the state capital, issued a decree to discuss the grace and ceremony of the dragon, and first conferred the title of Emperor Hoang Hap as the Supreme Deity.

According to local people, the relics of the Sat Hai Dai Vuong temple, built a long time ago by the ancestors of the villagers in Yen Diem commune, Phu Luu district, Thien Loc district (Nguyen dynasty changed to Can Loc) in Duc Quang district, have Before the early Le dynasty, it went through many restorations and embellishments but still preserved its original state.

People in many coastal villages built temples to worship King Sat Hai

"The book Nghi Xuan Dia Chi" wrote, Sat Hai temple is in Vo Trach village, Uy Vien village now belongs to Tien Dien town, Nghi Xuan: "The spirit is in Dong Thanh district. From a young age, he was famous for diving. He was instrumental in helping founder Le Thai open the country and was awarded the title of Sat Hai, great general and great bureaucrat. After passing away, he was given the title of blessed god. The official title here is written as "lang lai" meaning the position of official lang.

In Dong Thanh (ie Dien Chau - Nghe An), it is written as "he again". “To” is the god's given name, and Hoang Minh is the original family name. The temple is in Vo Trach village, Uy Vien commune, that village serves (worships). When there is a spirit festival in the entire district, this temple spirit is also brought to worship" (Nghi Xuan Dia Chi, p. 90).

"Nghi Xuan Dia Chi" recorded the god Sat Hai, whose real name was Hoang Minh To, and helped Le Loi, there must have been a mistake. Scholar Thai Kim Dinh edited: "According to the Complete History of Dai Viet and the History of Nghe Tinh (volume I, Nghe Tinh Publishing House, 1984), Sat Hai temples are quite numerous in villages along the coast of Nghe - Tinh, worshiping Sat Hai. The king's name is Hoang Ta Thon, from Van Phan village (now Dien Van, Dien Chau, Nghe An). He was talented at swimming and diving. During the Tran dynasty, he was assigned to a battle-hardened navy team to fight the Mongol army. When we returned the captured generals to the Yuan Dynasty, he was assigned to bring the O Ma Nhi group back to the country by water. On the way back, we secretly drilled a hole in the boat and drowned them to death" (Revised version of Nghi Xuan Dia Chi, p. 100)

"Dai Viet Complete History" records: "Ky Suu, Trung Hung 5th (1289) in the spring, February, ordered Secretary Hoang Ta Thon to bring the O Ma Nhi group back to the country, using Hung Dao Vuong's plan, to take Those who were good at diving were assigned to the boatman, and at night they rammed the boat to the point of sinking, and O Ma Nhi and all of them drowned" (Complete Records, volume 5).

According to the book "Kham Dinh Viet Su Thong Giam Cuong Muc" and the epitaph "The Legend of Nam Thien Ton Than" compiled by Cao Xuan Duc, it is said: Great King Sat Hai, real name Hoang Ta Thon, nickname To Dai Lieu, was born on the 15th. April of Giap Dan year (1254), in Van Phan village. Her mother's family name is Truong, from Ly Trai village (now Dien Ky commune, Dien Chau district, Nghe An). He has better health than others, has the ability to swim like an otter, and walk in water like on flat land. When the Nguyen invaders invaded Dai Viet, he joined the Tran dynasty's army and was drafted into the battle-hardened navy.

In 1228, Hoang Ta Thon led a naval army that ambushed the Bach Dang River, dived into enemy boats, drowned countless Yuan soldiers, and along with other armies contributed to the great destruction of the Nguyen army on the Bach Dang River, capturing O Ma Nhi, Phan Tiep, Tich Le Co and many soldiers and ships of the enemy.

When the reward was decided, Mr. Hoang Ta Thon was bestowed by King Tran Nhan Tong with the title: "Sat Hai, you will be Great General". King Nhan Tong assigned him to command the navy to guard 12 seaports in Dai Viet. Mr. Hoang Ta Thon organized and built a force of garrisons to guard the seaports, and arranged a navy force to regularly patrol and keep the sea and islands within Dai Viet territory.

At that time, Lord Champa often sent troops across the sea to Nghe An to plunder and harass the country of Dai Viet. Great General Hoang Ta Ton defeated Cham Hai many times, keeping the estuaries and islands on the border. That's why he was loved and respected by the coastal people.

On March 15, Ky Mao year (1339), while patrolling the waters of Hoang Hoa district, Thanh Hoa, he fell ill and passed away at the age of 85. The body was transported by dragon boat to Van Phan village (now Xuan Bac hamlet, Dien Van commune) for burial by King Tran Hien Ton's court. The court set up a temple to worship him and conferred the divine title: "Sat Hai Great King, Quan Manh Lang Thien Bong Nguyen, Great General, ordained as a superior deity."

After the death of General Hoang Ta Thon, the people of coastal areas in Nghe An, Ha Tinh and many localities in the North Central region built temples. Great King Hoang Ta Thon is loved by the people of many coastal villages such as: Cua Trao, Cua Truong, Cua Van, Cua Trap, Cua Thoi, Cua Lo, Cua Hoi, Lach Ken estuary, Yen Diem village, Phu Luu canton, hamlet Vo Trach, Uy Vien village, Cam Lam village, Sot gate, Dinh Ban commune, Thach Ha district... set up temples to worship the country's guardian gods to help the people.

In the same line as the relics of the Great King Sat Hai temple in Yen Diem village, Thinh Loc commune, Loc Ha district, there is also Mieu Trua temple, in Truong Xuan village worshiping Hoang Ta Thon as the tutelary god, and the Temple of Kings relics in Binh village. The mountain in Dinh Ban commune (Thach Ha) worships Mr. Hoang Ta Thon, and was recognized and ranked as a cultural and historical relic by the People's Committee of Ha Tinh province in 2013.

Bài và ảnh Đặng Viết Tường

Di sản mộ tổ họ Dương và Tiến sĩ Dương Trí Trạch

Đặng Viết Tường |

Dòng họ Dương, ở xã Bạt Trạc (nay thuộc xã Khánh Vĩnh Yên) huyện Can Lộc, tỉnh Hà Tĩnh có ngôi mộ cổ, là nơi yên nghỉ của vị thủy tổ ở hốc đá Lưỡi Cày, núi Lách trong dãy Hồng Lĩnh. Ngôi mộ tổ họ Dương được đánh giá có danh tiếng, nơi phát tích sự nghiệp của các nhà khoa bảng Dương Trí Dụng, Dương Trí Trạch. Đền thờ đã công nhận, xếp hạng Di tích cấp quốc gia.

Cửu vị thần công - 9 khẩu đại pháo quan trọng nhất dưới thời Nguyễn

Bài và ảnh Nguyễn Hữu Mạnh |

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Đền Voi Nẹp, thờ Xuân quận công Nguyễn Nghiễm

Bài và ảnh Đặng Viết Tường |

Đền Voi Nẹp, nơi thờ Hoàng giáp Xuân quận công Nguyễn Nghiễm, thuộc quần thể Di tích quốc gia đặc biệt, Khu lưu niệm Nguyễn Du, xếp hạng theo Quyết định số 1419/QĐ-Ttg, ngày 27.9.2012 của Thủ tướng Chính phủ. Là ngôi đền có kiến trúc thời Hậu Lê, tuổi thọ hơn 250 năm, các hạng mục di tích đã nhiều lần trùng tu, tôn tạo khang trang, xứng tầm với công lao, sự nghiệp của vị tể tướng Hậu Lê.

Nước rút ở Phúc Xá, nhiều đồ đạc của người dân hư hỏng


Ngày 13.9, theo ghi nhận của Lao Động, tại khu vực phường Phúc Xá (quận Ba Đình, Hà Nội) nước đã rút, tuy nhiên nhiều đồ đạc của người dân bị hư hỏng nặng nề.

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Mai Dung |

Sáng 13.9, Tổng Liên đoàn Lao động Việt Nam kí kết chương trình phối hợp công tác với Ban Thường vụ Tỉnh ủy Hải Dương giai đoạn 2024-2028.

Bắt cựu thẩm phán Chánh tòa hành chính Kiên Giang do nhận hối lộ


Bà Nguyễn Thị Cẩm Thu - cựu Thẩm phán, Chánh tòa hành chính TAND tỉnh Kiên Giang bị Cơ quan điều tra Viện kiểm sát nhân dân tối cao bắt tạm giam vì nhận hối lộ.

Công an thông tin về vụ đào trộm mộ tống tiền 5 tỉ đồng


Thanh Hóa - Liên quan đến vụ đào trộm mộ, lấy đi một phần hài cốt rồi tống tiền 5 tỉ đồng, cơ quan Công an đã bắt giữ đối tượng gây ra vụ việc.

Nhiều sản phẩm quảng cáo bị đặt vào nội dung vi phạm


Cục Phát thanh, truyền hình và thông tin điện tử đề nghị Công ty RTB, Công ty Dailymotion chấm dứt việc đặt các sản phẩm quảng cáo vào nội dung vi phạm.