Learn about the glorious history of the Vietnamese people


The book series "Questions and Answers on Vietnamese History " was published by Tre Publishing House to celebrate National Day September 2. The book series helps readers equip themselves with useful knowledge about Vietnamese history and the indomitable spirit of the nation.

The book series provides general knowledge.

Tre Publishing House in collaboration with lecturers from the University of Social Sciences and Humanities - Young Humanities Group organized the compilation of the book series "Questions and Answers on Vietnamese History" - 10 volumes including: From the beginning to the 10th century; Vietnam under the Ngo, Dinh, Tien Le, Ly, Tran, Ho dynasties; From Lam Son uprising to the first half of the 19th century; The first resistance war against France (from 1858 - the end of the 19th century), the beginning of the 20th century to the founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam (1930); From the Nghe Tinh Soviet to the August Revolution (1930 - 1945); The second resistance war against France (1945 - 1954); The resistance war against America to save the country (1954 - 1965); From Mau Than Spring to Ho Chi Minh Campaign (1965 - 1975); Vietnam - The journey of construction and development (From 1975 to present).

The book series is edited by Associate Professor, Dr. Tran Nam Tien. Each book is presented in a question-and-answer format that will delve into a specific period, ensuring scientific accuracy but also being concise, brief, and easy to read.

Each book includes 100 questions about historical figures and typical events of each period. Readers can easily look up the question index to find interesting and rich information such as: Who was awarded the title of Two-Country Champion of Vietnam? Which historical figure was awarded the title of King of the Swamp? Who was the famous Yen The Tiger? The Liberation Army of South Vietnam had a female deputy commander, so who was she? From the Doi Moi period to 2022, how many World Heritages of Vietnam has UNESCO honored?... along with many other unique figures and events.

The book series “Questions and Answers on Vietnamese History” provides necessary general knowledge about the country’s history from its inception to the present, with a simple and easy-to-understand presentation. The book series is suitable for high schools, universities, teachers, students and especially for everyone who loves and wants to learn more valuable information about Vietnamese history. From there, fostering patriotism and national pride in every Vietnamese citizen.

Easy to understand and grasp when reading "Questions and Answers on Vietnamese History"

The book “Vietnamese History Q&A 1 - From the Beginning to the 10th Century” includes questions and answers about Vietnamese history from the beginning to the 10th century, with the criteria of being concise, accurate, easy to read, easy to understand. The content of volume 1 includes all the details, events, and characters that made a special mark in this period. The period of nation building is also a period with many legends, myths, and wild histories... contributing to creating an epic of the country.

The series "Vietnam under the Ngo, Dinh, Tien Le, Ly, Tran, Ho dynasties" includes questions and answers about Vietnamese history from the 10th to the 15th century. This period was marked by many outstanding historical events such as: Ngo Quyen's victory on the Bach Dang River, Dinh Tien Hoang's suppression of the 12 warlords, Tran Hung Dao and his glorious victories against invaders, and the reforms of the Ly Dynasty.

The series "From Lam Son Uprising to the first half of the 19th century" revolves around the main contents: Lam Son and Tay Son uprisings, events that occurred under the reign of King Le, Lord Trinh, Lord Nguyen and the reclamation and expansion of the country's territory to the South. This is also the period when outstanding historical figures appeared: Le Loi, Nguyen Trai, Quang Trung, mandarin Nguyen Binh Khiem, Luong The Vinh, Le Quy Don... who made Vietnam famous. The book is presented in a question-and-answer format, easy to read and understand, suitable for many readers.

The book "The First Resistance War Against the French (1858 - late 19th century)" is about a special period in Vietnamese history from the time when France began to invade Vietnam until the whole country fell under French domination. This was also a heroic period with many uprisings that broke out and were eventually suppressed. Many heroes appeared but were not strong enough to change the situation of the country. The court could not choose the right policy to steer the nation's ship, eventually leading the whole country to fall under French domination.

The book "Early 20th century to the founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam (1930)" includes questions and answers about historical events from the early 20th century to the founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam (1930). The 100 questions and answers in this book provide readers with the most complete information from when the French colonialists began large-scale colonial exploitation in our country to revolutionary movements such as Phan Boi Chau, Phan Chau Trinh, Duy Tan, the formation of important organizations, typical figures and events, uprisings and struggles of the people, cultural activities, the event of Nguyen Tat Thanh leaving to find a way to save the country to the birth of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

The book "From the Nghe Tinh Soviet to the August Revolution (1930 - 1945)" includes questions and answers about Vietnamese history from the Nghe Tinh Soviet to the August Revolution (1930 - 1945). The questions and answers in this book provide readers with the most complete information from the time the French colonialists occupied our country to revolutionary movements such as the Nghe Tinh Soviet, the formation of important organizations, typical figures and events, uprisings and struggles of the people, cultural activities and on September 2, 1945, Uncle Ho read the Declaration of Independence giving birth to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.

The set "The Second Resistance War Against the French (1945 - 1954)" includes questions and answers about the history of the period 1945 - 1954 with information compiled and presented in a concise, easy-to-understand manner. With 100 questions and the most complete answers, the entire Second Resistance War against the French is clearly presented, providing readers with valuable information about the August Revolution, President Ho Chi Minh's call for national resistance, and the French attack plans.

The set "The Resistance War Against America to Save the Country" includes historical questions and answers during the period of the Resistance War Against America to Save the Country (1954 - 1965). With 100 questions and answers, the entire difficult period of our nation is presented clearly and completely.

The book "From Mau Than Spring (1968) to Ho Chi Minh Campaign (1965 - 1975)" includes historical questions and answers from Mau Than Spring (1968) to Ho Chi Minh Campaign (1965 - 1975). The questions and answers in this book provide readers with the most complete information from when the US sent troops to South Vietnam, the brutal war strategies of the US, the resistance of the Southern army and people, the campaigns that broke out from the Central Highlands to the Southwest and won, the typical soldiers, the cultural and artistic activities that fostered patriotism in the people and the meaningful numbers in the historic campaign in 1975.

The series "Vietnam - The journey of construction and development (from 1975 to present)" is the last volume in the series "Questions and answers on Vietnamese history", including questions and answers about the country's history from 1975 to present. This is a period with many important milestones: Changes in society after the country's reunification, the period of renovation starting from the 6th Congress in 1986, the period of acceleration and integration into the world...


Bộ sách Lịch sử Việt Nam bằng tranh, lan tỏa tình yêu lịch sử với thiếu nhi cả nước

đình dy |

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Kỷ niệm 25 năm thành lập Tủ sách Di sản Hồ Chí Minh

ngọc dủ |

Nhân kỷ niệm 25 năm thành lập Tủ sách Di sản Hồ Chí Minh và hướng đến sinh nhật của Bác Hồ, NXB Trẻ giới thiệu đến độc giả loạt sách được xuất bản với hơn 60 tựa, mang nhiều tư liệu quý về Bác Hồ kính yêu.

Dung mạo mới của sách

Anh Vũ |

Với những người đam mê đọc sách, mùi hương của sách và cảm giác lật từng trang giấy mới trên tay là một trải nghiệm tuyệt vời, khó có thể thay thế. Tuy nhiên, với những người thường xuyên phải di chuyển, việc phải mang theo những cuốn sách lại có phần nặng nề, vướng víu trong những chuyến đi.

Ảnh hưởng thi công âu thuyền, nhà dân bị ngập sâu trong nước


Việc thi công công trình Âu thuyền Cái Khế đã khiến nhiều nhà dân tại TP Cần Thơ bị lún, nứt nghiêm trọng và ngập sâu trong nước.

Dân Hà Nội khám da liễu hàng tháng vì 6 năm không có nước sạch


Suốt 6 năm qua, hàng tháng, vợ chồng anh Nguyễn Đình Minh (Hoài Đức, Hà Nội) đều đưa các con đi khám da liễu vì không có nước sạch sử dụng.

Tăng trợ cấp thất nghiệp lên 75% giúp người lao động yên tâm


Tăng mức hưởng trợ cấp thất nghiệp lên 75% lương bình quân là mong mỏi của rất nhiều người lao động.

Barcelona mất người, thua trận ra quân tại Champions League

tam nguyên |

Eric Garcia sớm nhận thẻ đỏ khiến Barcelona không thể có điểm trên sân AS Monaco.

Nỗ lực định hình tên tuổi từ cái bóng “ngôi sao nhí”

Ngọc Dủ |

Thị trường nhạc Việt từng có không ít sân chơi dành cho các tài năng nhí, nổi bật trong số đó phải kể đến Thần tượng âm nhạc nhí, Giọng hát Việt nhí... Đây được xem là bệ phóng cho không ít tài năng trẻ phát triển và theo đuổi sự nghiệp của mình.