Vinh City Confederation of Labor held a ceremony to celebrate the 95th anniversary of the Vietnam Trade Union


Nghe An - On the morning of July 28, the Vinh City Confederation of Labor celebrated the 95th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Vietnam Trade Union; praising typical grassroots trade union officials.

Attending the program, there were Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Nhi - Vice President of Nghe An Provincial Labor Confederation; members of the Standing Committee of Vinh City Party Committee; leaders of city departments, branches, and socio-political organizations; Chairman of the grassroots trade union and typical grassroots union officials.

Speaking at the ceremony, Mr. Thai Le Cuong - Chairman of the Vinh City Labor Confederation reviewed the history and glorious traditions of the Vietnam Trade Union; about the fighting and emulation movements of workers, officials, labor and the Trade Union of Nghe An province and Vinh City Trade Union.

Awarding certificates of merit and medals to outstanding union officials in the period 2019–2024. Photo: Duy Chuong.
Awarding certificates of merit and medals to outstanding union officials in the period 2019-2024. Photo: Duy Chuong.

Celebrating the 95th anniversary of the establishment of the Vietnam Trade Union, Vinh City Trade Union levels at all levels have made efforts to emulate and organize many exciting, diverse and meaningful activities, bringing many practical benefits to union members and workers. dynamic.

In particular, promote extensive propaganda among union members, workers and the entire society about the glorious tradition of 95 years of the Vietnam Trade Union and of the Vietnamese working class; position, role, functions, tasks and great contributions of the Vietnam Trade Union during nearly a century of formation and development.

Leaders of the Confederation of Labor of Nghe An province awarded medals for the cause of building the trade union organization to individuals. Photo: Duy Chuong.
Leaders of Nghe An Provincial Labor Confederation awarded medals for the cause of building trade unions to individuals. Photo: Duy Chuong.

Launch patriotic emulation movements, promote propaganda, mobilize union membership development and establish grassroots trade unions. Discover and introduce outstanding union members for the Party to consider fostering and enrolling.

Carry out activities of visiting, giving gifts, and helping officials, former union officials, union members, and workers in difficult circumstances, suffering from labor accidents and occupational diseases; started construction and donated "Trade Union Warm" houses to workers in difficult housing situations; Organize "Trade Union Meals" simultaneously at all trade union levels; Organize exciting cultural, artistic, and sports exchange activities at grassroots unions with the large participation of workers.

Vinh City Labor Confederation launched 10 grassroots unions. Photo: Duy Chuong.
Vinh City Labor Confederation launched 10 grassroots unions. Photo: Duy Chuong.

At the ceremony, the Vinh City Labor Federation awarded Medals for the cause of building the Trade Union to 7 individuals; Launched 10 grassroots trade unions and praised 55 typical grassroots union officials.


Thư của đồng chí Nguyễn Đình Khang, Ủy viên Trung ương Đảng, Chủ tịch Tổng LĐLĐVN nhân kỷ niệm 95 năm Ngày Thành lập Công đoàn Việt Nam

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Kính gửi các thế hệ cán bộ công đoàn, đoàn viên, công chức, viên chức, người lao động!

Long trọng kỷ niệm 120 năm ngày sinh Mẹ Việt Nam Anh hùng Nguyễn Thị Thứ

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Kỷ niệm về Tổng Bí thư Nguyễn Phú Trọng in sâu trong tâm trí người cựu cán bộ công đoàn

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Trong gần 20 năm làm cán bộ công đoàn, bà Phạm Thị Hằng - nguyên Chủ tịch Công đoàn Khu kinh tế Hải Phòng vinh dự được gặp Tổng Bí thư Nguyễn Phú Trọng trước thềm Hội nghị biểu dương cán bộ công đoàn, trao giải thưởng Nguyễn Văn Linh năm 2019.

Mắc bẫy lừa đảo mua "combo du lịch" vì ham rẻ


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