Building culturally standard agencies, units and enterprises is always a concern of all levels of the Son Tay Town Labor Union. To achieve high results in this activity, the Town Labor Federation focuses on improving the knowledge of Union officials.
Some contents on the work of building agencies, units and enterprises that meet cultural standards were trained for the team of Trade Union officials. In particular, the process of registration, scoring, inspection and recognition was emphasized; the contents in the criteria for building agencies, units and enterprises that meet cultural standards. From there, creating a change in awareness among workers, civil servants and laborers about the role and position of culture; preserving and promoting good traditional cultural values, gradually forming new civilized customs, living and working according to the law...
The organization of professional training in general, and the work of building agencies, units and enterprises meeting cultural standards in particular, is coordinated by the Son Tay Town Labor Federation to provide and update information, equip knowledge and professional skills for grassroots trade union staff.
In particular, the Town Labor Federation also disseminated the main contents of the Resolution of the 17th Hanoi City Trade Union Congress, term 2023 - 2028; developed and deployed a program to implement the Resolution with the aim of unifying awareness and action, in which the Resolution of the 17th City Trade Union Congress is concretized in conjunction with the implementation of the Resolution of the 13th Vietnam Trade Union Congress and Resolution No. 02-NQ/TW dated June 12, 2021 of the Politburo on innovation of organization and operation of Vietnam Trade Union in the new situation.