Forecast of storms and cold air in the next month


The meteorological agency has provided forecast information on rainfall, cold air and storm/tropical depression activity in the next month.

The National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting has released a weather trend forecast for the next month (from now until November 10).

Regarding temperature trends, the average temperature across the country is generally 0.5 - 1 degree Celsius higher than the average of many years in the same period.

Mr. Nguyen Duc Hoa - Deputy Head of Climate Forecasting Division, National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting said that during the forecast period, cold air activity continues to increase in frequency and intensity.

Previously, during the period of September 11 - October 10, there were 2 cold air waves appearing on September 22 and October 1. Of which, the cold air wave on October 1 affected the entire Northern region, the lowest temperature of the day dropped below 20 degrees Celsius, in some places below 15 degrees Celsius.

Ong Nguyen Duc Hoa - Pho Truong phong Du bao khi hau, Trung tam Du bao Khi tuong Thuy van Quoc gia - cung cap thong tin du bao xu the thoi tiet mot thang toi. Anh: An An
Mr. Nguyen Duc Hoa - Deputy Head of Climate Forecasting Division, National Centre for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting - provides weather forecast information for the next month. Photo: An An

Total rainfall from now until November 10 in the Northeast and North Central regions is generally at a level approximately above the average of many years. The Northwest, Central and South Central regions, Central Highlands and South regions have total rainfall generally 10-30% higher than the average of many years in the same period.

According to Mr. Nguyen Duc Hoa, in the next month, the Central region will enter the peak of the rainy season. Therefore, the Central region is likely to experience widespread heavy rains. In addition, thunderstorms across the country may be accompanied by tornadoes, lightning, hail and strong gusts of wind.

Regarding dangerous weather phenomena at sea, the meteorological agency forecasts that from now until November 10, storm/tropical depression activity in the East Sea and its impact on Vietnam's mainland is likely to be at a level approximately equal to or higher than the average of many years during the same period.

According to average data over many years, during the above period, there were 1.9 storms in the East Sea, 0.8 of which made landfall in Vietnam.

Previously, from September 11 to October 10, 2024, there were 2 storms in the East Sea.

Mr. Hoa warned that dangerous weather phenomena such as storms, cold air, thunderstorms, and tornadoes at sea can cause strong winds and large waves that affect activities in the East Sea area.

The meteorological agency noted that long-term warning bulletins are often trend forecasts. Therefore, to have a better basis for weather forecast information, people should wait for short-term bulletins issued daily by the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting.


Thời tiết hôm nay 12.10: Dự báo Nam Bộ mưa rất to


Thời tiết hôm nay 12.10, Nam Bộ có nơi mưa rất to vào chiều tối. Trong mưa dông có khả năng xảy ra lốc, sét và gió giật mạnh.

Dự báo thời tiết ngày mai 12.10 trên cả nước


Dự báo thời tiết ngày mai 12.10, Nam Bộ có mưa, mưa vừa và dông, cục bộ có nơi mưa to đến rất to.

Thời điểm có nguy cơ xuất hiện bão mạnh gây mưa lớn


Đại diện cơ quan khí tượng cảnh báo những tháng cuối năm 2024, cần đề phòng nguy cơ xuất hiện bão mạnh và gây mưa lớn ở Trung Bộ.

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Gia Lai – Em Nguyễn Quốc Nhật Minh, nhà leo núi đạt giải Ba cuộc thi Đường lên đỉnh Olympia ước mơ được làm thầy giáo cầm phấn dạy chữ.

“Khai tử” Hội đồng thẩm định tàu du lịch vịnh Hạ Long

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Giáo viên ở Bình Định tố bị cắt xén chế độ trong nhiều năm

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Weather today 10/12: Forecast for very heavy rain in the South


Weather today 12.10, Southern region has some places with very heavy rain in the evening. Thunderstorms have possibility of tornadoes, lightning and strong gusts of wind.

Weather Forecast tomorrow 10/12 nationwide


Weather Forecast for tomorrow, October 12, the South will have rain, moderate rain and thunderstorms, locally heavy to very heavy rain.

Time of risk of strong storms causing heavy rain


Representatives of the meteorological agency warned that in the last months of 2024, it is necessary to be on guard against the risk of strong storms and heavy rain in the Central region.