Weather forecast for tomorrow, December 26, nationwide


Weather forecast for tomorrow, December 26, Hanoi will have light rain in some places; cold weather with the lowest temperature around 15 - 17 degrees Celsius.

The National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting has updated the weather forecast for tomorrow (December 26) in the regions.

Accordingly, in the Northern region, there will be light rain in some places; cold at night and in the morning, with severe cold in some places.

The Central Highlands region has scattered showers and thunderstorms in some places. Cold at night and early morning.

Southern region has showers at night in some places, sunny during the day.

Weather forecast for tomorrow, December 26, for regions:


Lowest temperature: 15-17 degrees Celsius.
Highest temperature: 20-22 degrees Celsius, some places above 22 degrees Celsius.

Cloudy, light rain in some places. Northeast wind level 2-3. Cold weather.


Lowest temperature: 12-15 degrees Celsius, some places below 12 degrees Celsius; Northwest region 10-13 degrees Celsius, some places below 9 degrees Celsius.
Highest temperature: 19-22 degrees Celsius, some places below 19 degrees Celsius; Northwest region 20-23 degrees Celsius.

Cloudy, some rain, early morning fog, sunny in the afternoon. Light wind. Cold, some places very cold.


Lowest temperature: 14-17 degrees Celsius; mountainous areas have places below 11-13 degrees, some places below 10 degrees.
Highest temperature: 19-22 degrees Celsius, some places above 22 degrees Celsius.

Cloudy, light rain in some places, early morning fog in some places. Northeast wind level 2-3. Cold, some mountainous areas are very cold.

Thanh Hoa - Thua Thien Hue

Lowest temperature: 15-18 degrees C.
Highest temperature: 20-23 degrees C.

Cloudy, some rain in the North, early morning fog in some places; rain in the South, moderate rain, locally heavy rain in some places. North to northwest wind level 2-3. Cold weather.

Da Nang - Binh Thuan

Lowest temperature: North 19-22 degrees Celsius, South 22-24 degrees Celsius.
Highest temperature: North 23-26 degrees Celsius; South 26-29 degrees Celsius, some places above 29 degrees Celsius.

Cloudy, with rain, moderate rain, locally heavy rain and thunderstorms. North to northwest wind level 2-3, in the South level 4-5 in some places. Cold in the North. In thunderstorms there is a possibility of tornadoes, lightning and strong gusts of wind.

Central Highlands

Lowest temperature: 17-20 degrees Celsius, some places below 16 degrees Celsius.
Highest temperature: 28-31 degrees Celsius, some places in the North above 31 degrees Celsius.

Cloudy, scattered showers and thunderstorms. Northeast wind level 2-3. Cold at night and early morning. Thunderstorms may cause tornadoes, lightning and strong gusts of wind.

Southern Vietnam

Lowest temperature: 22-25 degrees C.
Highest temperature: 30-33 degrees C.

Cloudy, some showers at night, sunny during the day. Northeast wind level 2-3.


Weather today 12/25: Northern region has places below 10 degrees Celsius


Weather today 12/25, North cold morning and night; sunny day. Central Central and South Central regions have some places with very heavy rain.

Latest New Year's Eve 2025 weather forecast in all three regions


The National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting has provided weather forecast information for New Year's Day 2025 in all three regions.

Latest weather forecast for New Year 2025 nationwide


The meteorological agency has updated the early weather forecast for New Year's Eve 2025.

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Weather today 12/25: Northern region has places below 10 degrees Celsius


Weather today 12/25, North cold morning and night; sunny day. Central Central and South Central regions have some places with very heavy rain.

Latest New Year's Eve 2025 weather forecast in all three regions


The National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting has provided weather forecast information for New Year's Day 2025 in all three regions.

Latest weather forecast for New Year 2025 nationwide


The meteorological agency has updated the early weather forecast for New Year's Eve 2025.