Weather forecast for the next 10 days from March 10 to March 19 in all three regions
The National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting forecasts the weather for the next 10 days (from the night of March 9 to March 19) in areas across the country.
Weather forecast for tomorrow, March 10th nationwide
Weather forecast for tomorrow, March 10, the North and North Central regions will be cold. The South has showers and thunderstorms in some places.
Weather forecast for tonight and tomorrow, March 10
Weather forecast for tonight and tomorrow, March 10: The Northeast region will have rain in some places, early morning there will be scattered fog and light fog.
Forecast of thunderstorms in the South in the next 2 days
According to the Southern Hydrometeorological Station, unseasonal rain continues to increase in Ho Chi Minh City and neighboring provinces and cities.
Changing trash to receive trees, joining hands to recycle for a green planet
Exchanging garbage for trees is a meaningful activity initiated by Green Life, encouraging people to bring recyclable waste to exchange for trees, contributing to environmental protection.
Weather Forecast tomorrow 10/3 nationwide
Weather Forecast for tomorrow, October 3, cold air will affect the Northern mountainous region, it will be cold at night and in the morning. The Southern region will continue to have rain in the late afternoon.
Nghe An mountainous region landslides on many roads due to heavy rain
Nghe An - Prolonged heavy rain caused serious landslides on many roads in mountainous areas of the province.
Weather forecast tonight and tomorrow 3.10
Latest Weather Forecast 10/3: Cold air strengthens, the North is about to cool down further. The South will continue to have rain in the evening.
Forecast of impact of storm No. 5 Krathon, gusts above level 17
This afternoon, October 2, the meteorological agency updated the forecast of the path and impact of storm No. 5 Krathon.
Forecast of cold air affecting the North more strongly
The meteorological agency said that cold air is expanding its impact area in both the North and Central regions.
Southern region forecast to have widespread rain from tomorrow 3.10
According to the Southern Hydrometeorological Station, Ho Chi Minh City and other southern provinces are likely to experience widespread rain from October 3-4.
Latest forecast of movement and intensity of storm No. 5 Krathon
Storm No. 5 has weakened in intensity, currently at level 14 - 15 but winds are still gusting above level 17 and strongly impacting the North East Sea.
Typhoon No. 5 Krathon is very strong, forecast to weaken
Storm No. 5 Krathon is currently at level 17; it is forecasted that in the next 24 hours, the storm will gradually weaken.
Cold air strengthens, the North is about to cool down more deeply
The meteorological agency forecasts that on the night of October 2 - October 3, the cold air will be stronger and the temperature in the North will continue to decrease.
Storm No. 5 Krathon gusts above level 17, forecast path
This morning, October 2, the meteorological agency updated the location, path and intensity of storm No. 5 Krathon.
More than 20 years of miserable life next to a "dead" canal in Ho Chi Minh City
HCMC - For decades, people have had to live next to a canal polluted by garbage and stench that affects their lives.
Weather today 2.10: Cold air causes rapid temperature drop
Today's weather October 2, the North and North Central regions will be cool, cold at night and in the morning. The lowest temperature in the plains is about 20 - 23 degrees Celsius.
Green and sustainable growth from reducing plastic waste in Hue
Green and sustainable growth is one of the goals that the tourism industry of Thua Thien - Hue province is aiming for in the future, including efforts to reduce plastic waste.
Latest forecast of the location and path of storm No. 5 Krathon
On the evening of October 1, Vietnam's meteorological agency said the intensity of storm No. 5 Krathon is gradually decreasing.
20h News: Storm No. 5 maintains super storm level on October 2
20:00 News October 1: Latest forecast of the path and intensity of super typhoon No. 5 Krathon; Quickly overcome the flooding at the boat lock after Lao Dong's reflection;...