
Weather forecast for the next 10 days from March 10 to March 19 in all three regions


The National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting forecasts the weather for the next 10 days (from the night of March 9 to March 19) in areas across the country.

Weather forecast for tomorrow, March 10th nationwide


Weather forecast for tomorrow, March 10, the North and North Central regions will be cold. The South has showers and thunderstorms in some places.

Weather forecast for tonight and tomorrow, March 10


Weather forecast for tonight and tomorrow, March 10: The Northeast region will have rain in some places, early morning there will be scattered fog and light fog.

Forecast of thunderstorms in the South in the next 2 days


According to the Southern Hydrometeorological Station, unseasonal rain continues to increase in Ho Chi Minh City and neighboring provinces and cities.

Changing trash to receive trees, joining hands to recycle for a green planet


Exchanging garbage for trees is a meaningful activity initiated by Green Life, encouraging people to bring recyclable waste to exchange for trees, contributing to environmental protection.

Convective clouds expand, Hanoi is about to have heavy rain


The meteorological agency has just issued a thunderstorm warning in Hanoi.

Launching the 7th Natural Resources and Environment Journalism Award


On September 26, the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment signed Decision No. 3097/QD - BTNMT on organizing the 7th Natural Resources and Environment Journalism Award.

Forecast for thunderstorms in the South, heavy rain in some places


The meteorological agency forecasts that today, September 26, there will be heavy rain in some areas in the southern region.

Weather today 9/26: Southern region forecast to have thunderstorms in the evening


Weather today September 26, Northern region sunny during the day, some rain at night; Southern region has scattered showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon and evening.

Ho Chi Minh City rescues 10,000 billion VND tide prevention project stranded for 4 years


Ho Chi Minh City proposed to the Prime Minister many solutions to remove obstacles to the nearly 10,000 billion VND tide prevention project that has been "stranded" for nearly 4 years.

Weather Forecast tomorrow 9/26 nationwide


Weather Forecast for tomorrow, September 26, Hanoi will be sunny with the highest temperature around 31 - 33 degrees Celsius.

Weather forecast tonight and tomorrow 9/26


Latest Weather Forecast 9/26: The North is mostly sunny and cool. The South is sunny during the day, with showers and thunderstorms in some places in the late afternoon and evening.

Urgent support for hundreds of households submerged in flood water


Thanh Hoa - Due to rising flood waters, hundreds of households have been deeply submerged. Currently, the authorities are urgently assisting people to overcome the consequences.

Da Nang strictly handles violations of IUU fishing


In the coming time, Da Nang City will strictly handle IUU fishing violations according to the law.

Launching a drawing contest on environmental protection in schools - Theme "Green School"


The painting contest with the theme "Green School" is expected to be a useful playground to help students become more aware of environmental protection.

Forecast of increased heavy rain in the Southern region


It is forecasted that from September 27, widespread thunderstorms will increase in the Southern region.

When will the North welcome a new round of thunderstorms?


The Meteorological Agency predicts that the North will be sunny for the next two days before receiving scattered showers and thunderstorms.

Construction area of ​​Ring Road 4 is littered with illegally dumped garbage


The construction area of ​​Ring Road 4 through Song Phuong Commune (Hoai Duc, Hanoi) is being illegally dumped with a lot of household waste and construction waste.

Forecast of heavy rain in the South in the next 3 days


The Meteorological Agency predicts that in the next 3 days, the South will continue to have heavy rain in the afternoon and at night.

Hanoi: Some places are closed and quiet, others are busy cleaning up after the flood


Currently, many streets near the Red River have been drained, but in Tu Lien Street (Tay Ho, Hanoi) there is still deep flooding, and many houses have not been cleaned up.