Weather forecast for the next 3 days from 3.2 to 5.2 in all three regions
According to the meteorological agency, the weather forecast for the next 3 days in the North and Central regions will be affected by cold air.
According to the meteorological agency, the weather forecast for the next 3 days in the North and Central regions will be affected by cold air.
According to the meteorological agency, today February 2 (the 5th day of Tet), the cold air mass is moving south.
Today's weather 2.2, cold air strongly affects the North and North Central regions causing rain, cold weather, and some mountainous areas in the North are freezing.
Weather forecast for tomorrow, the 4th day of Tet (February 1), Hanoi will have light rain, drizzle and scattered fog at night and early morning, with less clouds and sunny weather in the afternoon.
Taking advantage of the last day of Tet holiday, many people flocked to Hoan Kiem Lake area to enjoy the spring and pleasant atmosphere at the beginning of the year.
The Government Inspectorate has 16 units, 3 fewer than before; has 388 civil servant positions and 105 public employee positions after reorganization and streamlining.
China says it will file a lawsuit against the United States at the World Trade Organization over President Donald Trump's tariffs.
Tran Thanh said he accepted all praise and criticism when the movie "The Four Guardians" was released.
At noon on February 2 (the 5th day of Tet), many streets in Hanoi were deserted, people brazenly ran red lights despite being fined by cameras.
According to the meteorological agency, today February 2 (the 5th day of Tet), the cold air mass is moving south.
Today's weather 2.2, cold air strongly affects the North and North Central regions causing rain, cold weather, and some mountainous areas in the North are freezing.
Weather forecast for tomorrow, the 4th day of Tet (February 1), Hanoi will have light rain, drizzle and scattered fog at night and early morning, with less clouds and sunny weather in the afternoon.