The Office of the Hanoi People's Committee has just issued the conclusion and direction of the Chairman of the Hanoi People's Committee, Tran Sy Thanh, at the meeting to listen to the report on the implementation of the investment project to urgently supplement water from the Red River to the To Lich River.
Regarding the plan to supply water from the Red River to the To Lich River, the Chairman of Hanoi agreed on the plan to build a water pipeline from the culvert through the dike to Vo Chi Cong Street to bring water into the head of the To Lich River at the culvert through Hoang Quoc Viet Street. The location of the water collection pumping station on the Red River must ensure safety during floods and the quality of the water source supplied to the To Lich River.
The Department of Construction was assigned to coordinate with the City People's Committee Office to discuss with the Government Office to clarify related issues to report to the Prime Minister for approval to deploy investment in the construction of an emergency project to supplement water from the Red River to the To Lich River.
In addition, the Department of Construction presides over and coordinates with relevant units to urgently study the construction of a dam (T-shaped dam; at the To Lich River junction near Long Quang Pagoda, Thanh Tri District) in sync with the project to supplement water from the Red River to the To Lich River.
The construction of this dam aims to meet the goals of retaining water to supplement the To Lich River in the dry season and preventing water from flowing to support the drainage of the Nhue River in the rainy and stormy season.