Hanoi after storm number 3, the workload is still too much


On every street of Hanoi, forces and people joined hands to overcome the consequences left by storm No. 3.

Moi day, Chu tich UBND TP Ha Noi Tran Sy Thanh da ky ban hanh Cong dien so 17/CD-UBND ve viec tap trung day manh cong tac thu don cay xanh gay, do sau bao so 3 tren dia ban cac quan noi thanh. Trong do, Chu tich UBND TP Ha Noi yeu cau cac quan, cac so, nganh thanh pho phoi hop, thuc hien, bao dam hoan thanh thu don cay xanh gay, do tren dia ban cac quan xong truoc ngay 20.9.
Recently, Chairman of Hanoi People's Committee Tran Sy Thanh signed and issued Official Dispatch No. 17/CD-UBND on focusing on promoting the work of clearing fallen trees after storm No. 3 in inner-city districts. In particular, the Chairman of Hanoi People's Committee requested districts, departments and branches of the city to coordinate, implement and ensure the completion of clearing fallen trees in the districts before September 20.
Theo thong ke cua TP Ha Noi, bao so 3 khien hon 25.000 cay tren dia ban bi gay do, trong do co toi hon 24.800 cay do. Du TP Ha Noi da rat no luc trong viec khac phuc hau qua sau bao nhung cay gay do van ngon ngang tren duong. Do do, viec ra quan tong ve sinh moi truong la nhiem vu cap bach, doi hoi su tham gia tich cuc cua toan the can bo, hoi vien, doan vien, cac tang lop nhan dan, som dua cuoc song tro lai binh thuong, giu gin moi truong song trong lanh.
According to statistics from Hanoi, storm No. 3 caused more than 25,000 trees to fall in the area, of which more than 24,800 trees fell. Although Hanoi has made great efforts to overcome the consequences after the storm, fallen trees are still scattered on the streets. Therefore, launching a general environmental cleaning campaign is an urgent task, requiring the active participation of all cadres, members, union members, and people from all walks of life to soon bring life back to normal and preserve a clean living environment.
Theo ghi nhan cua Lao Dong, sang 15.9, tren cac tuyen duong pho, nhieu luoc luong bao gom Cong an, Canh sat co dong, cong nhan moi truong, dan phong, dan quan tu ve va cac doi nhom sinh vien tinh nguyen tai cac truong Dai hoc tren dia ban Thu do da lam viec tich cuc voi muc tieu giai toa duong cho nguoi dan Ha Noi di lai an toan, duong pho sach se truoc ngay 20.9.
According to Lao Dong, on the morning of September 15, on the streets, many forces including the Police, Mobile Police, environmental workers, civil defense, militia and volunteer student groups at universities in the capital worked actively with the goal of clearing the roads for Hanoi people to travel safely and the streets to be clean before September 20.
Tai cac tuyen pho trung tam Ha Noi, luc luong cong an, quan doi, phu nu, doan thanh nien va nhan dan dong loat tham gia tong ve sinh moi truong.
On the central streets of Hanoi, many forces and people simultaneously participated in general environmental sanitation, cleaning up the scene after the storm. However, according to the reporter's observation, the workload to overcome the consequences after the storm is still too much. Because currently, almost all the streets of the capital, the situation of fallen trees and garbage is still messy, causing pressure for the forces participating in the handling.
Ngoai ra, trong nhung ngay qua, ngay khi nuoc tai cac khu vuc ngap lut tren dia ban Ha Noi rut dan, cac don vi thuoc Tong cong ty Dien luc Ha Noi (EVN HANOI) da tien hanh ra soat, kiem tra he thong dien, sua chua cac thiet bi cap dien bi hu hong de nhanh chong cap dien tro lai cho nguoi dan su dung dam bao an toan, on dinh.
In addition, in recent days, as soon as the water in flooded areas in Hanoi gradually receded, units under Hanoi Electricity Corporation have reviewed and inspected the electrical system, repaired damaged power supply equipment to quickly restore power to people to ensure safety and stability.
Voi phuong cham nuoc rut toi dau, cap dien tro lai toi do, nganh dien Ha Noi da va dang khan truong kiem tra ra soat lai he thong dien. Trong anh la cong nhan sua chua lai may bien ap bi ngap nuoc tren pho Chuong Duong Do, Quan Hoan Kiem truoc khi cap dien tro lai.
With the motto of restoring power as soon as the water recedes, the Hanoi electricity sector has been urgently checking and reviewing the power system. In the photo, workers are repairing a flooded transformer on Chuong Duong Do Street, Hoan Kiem District before restoring power.

According to the report of the Ministry of Planning and Investment, storm No. 3 is the strongest storm in the East Sea in the past 30 years. Storm No. 3 and its circulation have a very large area of ​​influence, combined with the flood discharge in the upstream of some large rivers, causing prolonged heavy rain, flooding, flash floods, landslides, etc., seriously occurring in many areas.

To date, storm No. 3 has left 353 people dead or missing. Preliminary, incomplete estimates put the property damage caused by storm No. 3 at around 40 trillion VND.

Of these, about 257,000 houses, 1,300 schools and many infrastructure works collapsed and were damaged; 305 dike incidents, mainly large dikes of level 3 or higher; over 262,000 hectares of rice, crops and fruit trees were flooded, damaged and collapsed; 2,250 aquaculture cages were damaged and swept away; nearly 2.3 million livestock and poultry died and nearly 310,000 urban trees were broken.


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Quang Ninh suffered nearly 1 billion USD in damage from storm No. 3

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Union continues to support families affected by storm No. 3

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