Current status of abandoned headquarters and agencies in Ha Dong district


On To Hieu street, Ha Dong district (Hanoi), there are currently many abandoned and wasteful agency headquarters .

On August 12, according to Lao Dong's records, on To Hieu street (Ha Dong district) there were a series of abandoned state agency headquarters, used as restaurants, car repair shops or storage places.
On August 12, according to Lao Dong's records, on To Hieu street (Ha Dong district) there were a series of abandoned state agency headquarters, used as restaurants, car repair shops or storage places.
For example, at project No. 30 To Hieu Street (Ha Dong), belonging to the Supreme People's Procuracy but has been abandoned and degraded for many years.
For example, at project No. 30 To Hieu Street (Ha Dong), belonging to the Supreme People's Procuracy but has been abandoned and degraded for many years.
Inside the premises of this agency are a list of belongings from people living around the area to ask for help.
Inside the premises of this agency are a list of belongings from people living around the area to ask for help.
The current state of the building shows signs of deterioration, with pieces of the wall peeling and covered in vines and weeds.
The current state of the building shows signs of deterioration, with pieces of the wall peeling and covered in vines and weeds.
Not far away, at 32 To Hieu Street is the headquarters of the old Ha Tay Radio and Television Station that has been abandoned and degraded for many years, with degraded facilities inside.
Not far away, at 32 To Hieu Street is the headquarters of the old Ha Tay Radio and Television Station that has been abandoned and degraded for many years, with degraded facilities inside.
According to the reporter's research, this building has been partially leased by a media agency as the headquarters of the Television Center, but up to now this building has not been put into use.
According to the reporter's research, this building has been partially leased by a media agency as the headquarters of the Television Center, but up to now this building has not been put into use.
Meanwhile, at the headquarters of the Hanoi Department of Statistics, facility 2 has been abandoned for many years, inside most of the buildings have been seriously degraded and gradually abandoned. Part of the area of ​​this project is currently rented as a car repair shop.
Meanwhile, at the headquarters of the Hanoi Department of Statistics, facility 2 has been abandoned for many years, inside most of the buildings have been seriously degraded and gradually abandoned. Part of the area of ​​this project is currently rented as a car repair shop.
Talking to Lao Dong, Mr. Nguyen Trung Thanh (security officer in charge of this project) said that facility 2 of the Hanoi Statistics Department is being requested by the agency for new construction investment policy. Currently, units have conducted geological measurements to calculate treatment plans.
Talking to Lao Dong, Mr. Nguyen Trung Thanh (security officer in charge of this project) said that facility 2 of the Hanoi Statistics Department is being requested by the agency for new construction investment policy. Currently, units have conducted geological measurements to calculate treatment plans.
The row of kiosks belonging to the headquarters of the Hanoi Department of Statistics next to this facility has always been closed for many years.
The row of kiosks belonging to the headquarters of the Hanoi Department of Statistics next to this facility has always been closed for many years.
The folding door panels are rusted, and the inside of the kiosks is filled with trash and weeds.
The folding door panels are rusted, and the inside of the kiosks is filled with garbage.
It is known that this type of agency was abandoned and wasted as a result of Ha Tay province's merger with Hanoi from 2008 until now. Among them, the headquarters of agencies and units of this province located on To Hieu street (former Ha Dong town, now Ha Dong district) have been abandoned for many years.
It is known that this type of agency was abandoned and wasted as a result of Ha Tay province's merger with Hanoi from 2008 until now. Among them, the headquarters of agencies and units of this province located on To Hieu street (former Ha Dong town, now Ha Dong district) have been abandoned for many years.

Recently, the Hanoi People's Committee said that data reported by the Hanoi Department of Finance (as of December 31, 2023) showed that the total number of houses and land owned by agencies, organizations and units of the city The cities managed and used within the scope of rearranging and handling houses and land according to regulations are 6,764 establishments (of which, 1,202 establishments, departments, and branches; 4,520 establishments in districts, towns, and cities). establishments; State-owned enterprise sector is 1,042 establishments).

Implementing the Project for effective management, use and exploitation of public assets of Hanoi City for the period 2023-2025, orientation for the period 2026-2030, instructions of the Ministry of Finance and Hanoi People's Committee recently issued. Implement plans to speed up the process of rearranging and handling houses and land under the city's management.

In particular, the city strives to complete and approve the plan to reorganize and handle 100% of housing and land under its management in 2025. Departments, branches, branches, districts, towns, businesses Enterprises in the area must urgently propose plans to reorganize and handle undeclared housing and land according to the schedule in the plan, submit it to the Hanoi People's Committee for approval and be responsible before the City People's Committee for not doing so. Implement or delay the implementation of declaration, reporting, and organize the implementation of plans to rearrange and handle houses and land according to regulations.


Trường mầm non ở Nam Định nhếch nhác sau thời gian bỏ không

Hà Vi |

Sau một thời gian không sử dụng, Trường mầm non Tân Thành (xã Tân Thành, huyện Vụ Bản, tỉnh Nam Định) xuống cấp, trong tình trạng cỏ mọc um tùm, nhếch nhác.

Sau 2 năm nghiệm thu, chợ huyện Bình Đại ở Bến Tre vẫn bỏ không

Thành Nhân |

Không tổ chức đấu thầu hoặc đấu giá để lựa chọn nhà đầu tư, dự án chỉnh trang khu dân cư đô thị và chợ huyện Bình Đại (tỉnh Bến Tre) sau 2 năm nghiệm thu vẫn chưa thể hoạt động.

Năm học mới sẽ tổ chức giảng dạy ở ngôi trường tiền tỉ đang bỏ không


Đắk Nông - Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo huyện Đắk R'lấp cho biết trong năm học mới sẽ tiến hành giảng dạy ở ngôi trường học vừa qua được đầu tư tiền tỉ nhưng đang bỏ hoang mà trước đó Báo Lao Động phản ánh.

Khu đô thị Công viên công nghệ phần mềm Hà Nội chưa hoạt động đã xuống cấp


Đã 14 năm kể từ thời điểm Hà Nội phê duyệt quy hoạch chi tiết tỉ lệ 1/500, đến nay Khu đô thị Công viên công nghệ phần mềm Hà Nội (quận Long Biên, Hà Nội) vẫn chưa đi vào hoạt động trong khi nhiều hạng mục đã xuống cấp.

Người dân gặp khó vì tuyến tỉnh lộ xuống cấp


HUẾ - Khoảng 3km của tỉnh lộ 10A đoạn qua xã Phú Lương (huyện Phú Vang, Thừa Thiên Huế) xuống cấp nhiều năm nay khiến việc đi lại của người dân bị ảnh hưởng.

Đại học doanh thu nghìn tỉ, có trường 98% đến từ học phí

Vân Trang |

Cả nước có 6 trường đại học công lập và 3 trường tư thục có doanh thu từ 1.000 tỉ đồng trở lên. Trong đó, có 2 trường đạt trên 2.000 tỉ đồng.

Thanh Hóa sơ tán gần 3.000 hộ dân khỏi nơi nguy hiểm


Do ảnh hưởng của mưa lũ, tỉnh Thanh Hóa đã sơ tán gần 3.000 hộ dân đến nơi an toàn.

Nước lũ thấm qua thân đê ở Thanh Hóa

Trần Lâm |

Thanh Hóa - Ảnh hưởng nước sông Mã dâng cao, áp lực lớn, một điểm đê ở huyện Vĩnh Lộc có hiện tượng thấm, rò nước qua thân đê.