Discover the famous "Tang Kinh Cac" of the Nguyen Dynasty in Hue


HUE - The Poetry Library was built during the Minh Mang period (Hue) by more than 1,000 soldiers. This place was originally a repository for more than 70,000 valuable books and documents.

Theo tu lieu lich su, Lau Tang Tho duoc vua Minh Mang cho xay dung vao nam 1825 giua ho Hoc Hai, ben trong Kinh thanh Hue. Hon 1.000 linh tho da duoc huy dong de dap dao va xay dung cong trinh do so nay.  Anh: Nguyen Phong.
According to historical documents, Tang Tho Tower was built by King Minh Mang in 1825 in the middle of Hoc Hai Lake, inside the Hue Citadel. More than 1,000 soldiers and workers were mobilized to build the island and this massive structure. Photo: Nguyen Phong.
Voi cau truc xay khoi hoan toan bang gach da, voi vua, Lau Tang Tho la mot cong trinh rat khac biet so voi hang tram cong trinh kien truc go thoi bay gio.
With a structure built entirely of bricks, stones, and mortar, Tang Tho Tower is a very different building compared to hundreds of wooden architectural works at that time.
De phong tranh hoa hoan va cac loai con trung, lau Tang Tho duoc xay dung biet lap tren mot hon dao hinh chu nhat, chi thong voi ben ngoai qua mot chiec cau xay gach da o phia Tay, day cung la phia gan lien voi ho Tinh Tam. Anh: Nguyen Phong.
To prevent fire and insects, Tang Tho building was built separately on a rectangular island, connected to the outside only by a brick and stone bridge on the west side, which is also the side connected to Tinh Tam lake. Photo: Nguyen Phong.
Lau gom co 2 tang, tang duoi 11 gian, tang tren 7 gian 2 chai, tat ca cac gian deu dung de chua cac tai lieu quan trong cua trieu Nguyen ma phan lon deu la tai lieu giay va moc ban.
The building has 2 floors, the lower floor has 11 rooms, the upper floor has 7 rooms and 2 wings, all rooms are used to store important documents of the Nguyen Dynasty, most of which are paper documents and woodblocks.
Theo sach “Tang Tho Lau ba tich” (1907), tai lieu luu tru tai day la cac van kien ngoai giao quan trong giua Viet Nam va Phap, giua Viet Nam va trieu dinh Trung Hoa, van kien cua Luc Bo (Lai, Ho, Le, Binh, Hinh, Cong), cac van khac in sach cua trieu dinh.... trong do so luong dia ba rat lon.
According to the book "Tang Tho Lau Ba Tich" (1907), the documents stored here are important diplomatic documents between Vietnam and France, between Vietnam and the Chinese court, documents of the Six Ministries (Personnel, Finance, Rites, Military, Justice, Public Works), woodblocks for printing books of the court... in which the number of land registers is very large.
Tang Tho Lau hien dang luu tru tu lieu thanh van, tu lieu video va tu lieu hinh anh. Ve tu lieu thanh van co hon 70.000 dau sach va tu lieu, thuoc nhieu the loai va dang thuc khac nhau, nhu: sach Han Nom, thu tich co, cac cong trinh bien khao ve nha Nguyen, sach my thuat, kien truc, van hoa, Phat giao, ton giao, tin nguong, ngon ngu hoc, ban do…
Lau Tang Tho currently stores written documents, video documents and image documents. Regarding written documents, there are more than 70,000 books and documents, of many different genres and formats, such as: Han Nom books, ancient books, research works on the Nguyen Dynasty, books on fine arts, architecture, culture, Buddhism, religion, beliefs, linguistics, maps, etc.
Ve tu lieu Han Nom duoi dang thu ban, phan lon la ban goc duoc viet tay tren giay do, ngon ngu chinh la chu Han, mot so viet bang chu Nom. Cac ban luu kho, tich hop luu tru deu duoi dang cac tep so hoa.
Regarding Han Nom documents in the form of manuscripts, most of the originals are handwritten on Do paper, the main language is Han characters, some are written in Nom characters. The archived and integrated copies are all in the form of digital files.
Hau het nguon tu lieu truyen ban nay thuoc dang doc ban nen co gia tri tu lieu lich su rat cao, nhu he thong chau ban, dia ba, sac phong, dinh ba…
Most of these sources of original documents are unique and have very high historical value, such as the system of district records, land registers, royal decrees, and population registers...
Khoi tai lieu nay duoc hinh thanh trong hoat dong quan ly cua bo may chinh quyen trieu Nguyen, phan anh cac khia canh cua doi song chinh tri, kinh te, van hoa - xa hoi va khoa hoc - ky thuat cua dat nuoc trong nhung giai doan lich su nhat dinh.
This body of documents was formed during the management activities of the Nguyen Dynasty's government apparatus, reflecting aspects of the country's political, economic, cultural-social and scientific-technical life during certain historical periods.
Bai bia ky ve Lau Tang Tho duoc bien soan va khac da dung len vao cuoi nam Minh Mang thu 7 (1826). Tuy nhien tam bia da bi mat tich, day la ban thay the.
The stele inscription about Tang Tho tower was compiled and engraved in stone at the end of the 7th year of Minh Mang (1826). However, the stele has been lost, this is a replacement.
Trai qua thoi gian dai, Lau Tang Tho duoc su dung voi nhieu chuc nang khac nhau, phan nao ket cau cua cong trinh cung bi hu hai nhieu. Nam 2014, Du an trung tu, phuc hoi Lau Tang Tho duoc phe duyet, thuc hien, den nay da hoan thanh. (Anh chup lai tai Lau Tang Tho).
Over time, the Tang Tho Pavilion has been used for many different functions, and the structure of the building has been damaged to some extent. In 2014, the project to restore and renovate the Tang Tho Pavilion was approved and implemented, and has now been completed. (Photo taken at the Tang Tho Pavilion).
Lau Tang Tho - Ho Hoc Hai duoc cong nhan la di tich cap quoc gia (loai hinh kien truc nghe thuat) theo Quyet dinh so 99/2004/QD-BVHTT ngay 15.12.2004 cua Bo Van hoa va Thong tin.
Lau Tang Tho - Ho Hoc Hai was recognized as a national monument (artistic architecture) according to Decision No. 99/2004/QD-BVHTT dated December 15, 2004 of the Ministry of Culture and Information.


What is special about the system of 5 hundred-year-old lime kilns preserved in Hue?


HUE - With historical value and ancient architecture, the system of 5 remaining lime kilns of Long Tho cement factory will be renovated and preserved by Thua Thien Hue province.

What will happen to Hue Imperial Academy after the relocation of a series of treasures?


HUE - After the artifacts are moved to the Thua Thien Hue History Museum, it is expected that the Imperial Academy will be renovated and embellished.

Come to Hue to explore the fairyland on Bach Ma peak


HUE - Bach Ma, a mountain range with a beauty likened to a fairyland in Hue, attracts many tourists to explore.

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What is special about the system of 5 hundred-year-old lime kilns preserved in Hue?


HUE - With historical value and ancient architecture, the system of 5 remaining lime kilns of Long Tho cement factory will be renovated and preserved by Thua Thien Hue province.

What will happen to Hue Imperial Academy after the relocation of a series of treasures?


HUE - After the artifacts are moved to the Thua Thien Hue History Museum, it is expected that the Imperial Academy will be renovated and embellished.

Come to Hue to explore the fairyland on Bach Ma peak


HUE - Bach Ma, a mountain range with a beauty likened to a fairyland in Hue, attracts many tourists to explore.