Ha Nam plans to use more than 250,000 billion for urban development


Implementing the urban development program, Ha Nam expects investment capital demand in the period 2024 - 2030 to be about 254,648 billion VND.

On August 2, according to Lao Dong's research, the People's Committee of Ha Nam province has just decided to approve the Urban Development Program of Ha Nam province for the period 2021-2030 and vision to 2050.

The program's objective is to synchronously build urban infrastructure, especially the framework technical infrastructure system and essential social infrastructure, synchronous urban areas and housing areas; Accelerate the speed and improve the quality of urbanization and develop Ha Nam urban areas in the direction of green, smart, sustainable, livable growth, solid economic development, and be part of a chain of dynamic urban areas with the role role of sharing, cooperation, and linking functions in the Capital Region and the Red River Delta.

Strive for Ha Nam province to become a centrally run city.

Regarding targets, the urbanization rate by 2025 will reach over 50%, by 2020 it will reach over 60% and by 2050 it will reach over 70%.

Target on the number of urban areas, in the period 2026 - 2030, Ha Nam province has 9 urban areas, of which, Phu Ly city strives to meet the criteria of a grade I urban area in the province; 2 urban areas of type III: Duy Tien town (progressing to establish a city); Kim Bang town (basically meets class III criteria); 4 class IV urban areas and 2 class V urban areas.

Vision to 2050, Ha Nam will be a centrally run city, a smart and modern urban area.

Expected investment capital demand in the period 2024 - 2030 is about 254,648 billion VND.

Funding for program implementation focuses on three main capital sources: State budget capital; Foreign investment capital (FDI); Investment capital from businesses, organizations and individuals.

Ha Nam Provincial People's Committee said that solutions on mechanisms and policies to mobilize investment capital will prioritize provincial budget capital, while taking full advantage of targeted central support capital sources and Government bonds. , national target programs, preferential investment credit capital;

Determine the effective use of urban development investment budget, acting as a nucleus to stimulate investment attraction from extra-budget sources. Have appropriate measures to mobilize maximum capital from land fund exploitation for urban development, especially urban infrastructure construction.

Develop urban infrastructure development policies with multiple capital sources, encouraging the participation of non-state sectors. Reforming administrative procedures in urban development investment.


Nhiều ông lớn bất động sản đổ vốn vào Hà Nam

Thu Giang |

Nhiều nhà đầu tư thời gian qua liên tục rót tiền đầu tư vào phân khúc bất động sản, bất động sản công nghiệp tỉnh Hà Nam.

Bổ nhiệm Phó Cục trưởng Cục Thi hành án dân sự tỉnh Hà Nam


Bà Nguyễn Thị Ngân - Thẩm tra viên chính Văn phòng Tổng cục Thi hành án dân sự (THADS) được bổ nhiệm Phó Cục trưởng Cục THADS tỉnh Hà Nam.

Sôi nổi giải thể thao công nhân viên chức lao động Hà Nam

Quế Chi |

Hà Nam - Trong 2 ngày (18-19.7), Liên đoàn Lao động tỉnh Hà Nam tổ chức giải thể thao công nhân, viên chức, lao động tỉnh năm 2024.

Nhiều sản phẩm quảng cáo bị đặt vào nội dung vi phạm


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Việt Bắc |

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