17 villas built without permission in Lam Dong, will they be demolished?

Lê Thanh Phong |

The former vice chairman and civil servants of Loc Thanh commune, Bao Lam district, Lam Dong were reprimanded, and many officials were criticized for their involvement in 17 illegally built villas.

The People's Committee of Bao Lam district, Lam Dong province has just disciplined individuals and groups involved in the management and handling of violations related to 17 illegally built villas in village 10A, Loc Thanh commune.

Who are the officials being reviewed and disciplined?

They are Mr. Dang Ngoc Thanh - Vice Chairman of Tan La Commune People's Committee, former Vice Chairman of Loc Thanh Commune People's Committee; Mr. Tran Ngoc Hoan - civil servant of land administration, agriculture, construction and environment of Loc Nam Commune, former civil servant of land administration, agriculture, construction and environment of Loc Thanh Commune. These men were disciplined with the form of Reprimand.

Bao Lam District People's Committee also disciplined by Criticism two collectives, the Economic - Infrastructure Department and the People's Committee of Loc Thanh Commune, along with five commune and department leaders for not performing well the state management work in the construction sector, allowing violations to occur.

Only disciplined commune officials and commune vice chairman.

To be fair, not just a few, but 17 villas, built on the hill, the people know, the officials know, the commune knows, the district knows, the province knows.

17 villas, are not just guard huts that no one knows about, no one knows about. If the government had firmly prevented and handled the construction of the first villa, it would not have been possible to build the second villa, let alone 17 villas. Do people have the right to be skeptical about the brazen construction of these illegal structures, is there any indifference or cover-up?

The responsibility does not only belong to Loc Thanh commune. If Loc Thanh commune authorities are not resolute, Bao Lam district cannot sit idly by and watch those 17 villas spring up. Clearly, there has been lax management, both Loc Thanh commune authorities and Bao Lam district have not taken measures to prevent and resolutely handle violations.

According to local reports, the authorities have inspected and recorded a request for a temporary halt to these illegal construction projects, but the landowners have not complied. This is not convincing, because building 17 villas cannot be done in a day or two, but can take many days and months. Where are the authorities going?

Disciplinary action against officials is necessary, but not just placing all the responsibility on commune officials.

As for these villas, if there is enough evidence, they will be forcibly demolished. No one can be allowed to disregard the law. Only administrative penalties will create a precedent, many people will just violate the law and pay the fine.

Lê Thanh Phong

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UBND tỉnh Lâm Đồng yêu cầu huyện Bảo Lâm không hợp thức hóa sai phạm về đất đai, quy hoạch và kiên quyết xử lý công trình xây dựng vi phạm…

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Vân Trường |

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