Two accidents caused by reckless driving by Phuong Trang and Thuan Thao drivers

Lê Thanh Phong |

There were two traffic accidents on the Vinh Hao - Phan Thiet highway in one week, both Phuong Trang and Thuan Thao vehicles crashed into the back of another vehicle.

The accident between Phuong Trang and Hong Son passenger vans occurred at 0:00 on September 19. The Hong Son passenger van was stopped due to engine failure, when the Phuong Trang passenger van traveling in the same direction from behind hit the back of the Hong Son van. The accident resulted in the death of two passengers on the Phuong Trang van on the spot.

According to the analysis of the representative of the highway management unit, the accident was due to the driver's subjectivity, because the location of the accident was a straight road, the road surface was smooth, there was a full road signaling system, and it was not raining at the time of the accident.

The second accident occurred on September 24 between a Thuan Thao passenger bus and a tractor-trailer, killing one person and injuring more than 10 passengers. The passenger bus also hit the rear of the car in front from behind.

Through data analysis, the Traffic Safety Committee of Binh Thuan province determined that the main cause was due to drivers not keeping a safe distance and not paying attention.

On forums, most opinions say that the accident was caused by the driver. The situation of passenger vans squeezing small cars on national highways or expressways often happens, with such a disregard for human life, accidents are inevitable.

Do not blame the lack of highway lights, the lack of emergency lanes, or any other reason when drivers deliberately speed and do not comply with traffic laws. Vehicles from behind hitting vehicles that are stopped or moving in the same direction are due to drivers not being in control of the steering wheel or not observing.

With the addition of the Vinh Hao - Phan Thiet, Phan Thiet - Dau Giay, Cam Lam - Vinh Hao expressways, people's travel is more convenient, shortening the time from Ho Chi Minh City to Nha Trang by half. With such good roads, if drivers are careful, accidents cannot happen.

In the context of limited capital, the transportation sector has made a great effort to build the expressway as it is today. However, it is not because some items have not been completed that accidents occur. It must be affirmed that the two traffic accidents that occurred on the Vinh Hao - Phan Thiet expressway were due to reckless driving.

Passenger transport companies must take measures to discipline their drivers. Don't let time pressure or speeding cause major problems.

However, on the part of the Ministry of Transport, it is also necessary to promote rapid investment in construction of items such as traffic surveillance cameras to have data on fines, installation of lighting systems at intersections, emergency lanes... These systems will contribute to limiting traffic accidents.

Lê Thanh Phong

Phạt tài xế xe Phương Trang 7 triệu đồng vì uống bia buổi sáng

Hữu Long |

Khánh Hòa - CSGT xử phạt 7 triệu đồng đối với tài xế xe Phương Trang. Trước đó, tài xế có uống ít bia buổi sáng và tin rằng đến chiều sẽ hết nồng độ cồn.

Tiễn biệt PGS Đặng Bích Hà về với Đại tướng Võ Nguyên Giáp

Vương Trần |

Hạnh phúc lớn nhất cuộc đời của PGS Đặng Bích Hà là gắn bó với Đại tướng Võ Nguyên Giáp, làm hậu phương vững chắc, để Đại tướng chuyên tâm việc nước, việc quân.

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Báo Lao Động trao quà đến học sinh vùng lũ Yên Bái

Trần Bùi |

Ngày 28.9, Quỹ Tấm lòng Vàng phối hợp cùng nhóm học sinh Hà Nội trao quà cho điểm trường vùng lũ Yên Bái.

TPHCM thu hồi đất 446 hộ dân mở rộng đường ở Quận 12 lên 25m


TPHCM – Đường Tân Thới Hiệp 21, dài hơn 1,7km qua Quận 12 sẽ được mở rộng lên 25m với tổng vốn đầu tư gần 1.400 tỉ đồng, 446 hộ dân bị thu hồi đất.

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Tô Thế |

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Đông Triều là thành phố thứ 5 của tỉnh Quảng Ninh

Đoàn Hưng |

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