Students crying because teacher transferred schools is a happy thing

Hoàng Văn Minh |

Hundreds of students in Quang Ngai cried when saying goodbye to their teacher who transferred schools, which is good news for the education sector.

Social media is buzzing with a clip showing hundreds of students at Son Lien Ethnic Boarding Primary and Secondary School (Son Tay District, Quang Ngai Province) bursting into tears when teacher Nguyen Ngoc Duy said goodbye.

The clip was filmed on the evening of October 10, when teacher Nguyen Ngoc Duy said goodbye to the school's students before moving to Quang Ngai city to teach to take care of his family.

At that moment, hundreds of students burst into tears, many of them ran to hug their beloved teacher, not wanting to leave. Witnessing the pure affection that the Ca Dong students had for teacher Duy, many of his colleagues could not hold back their tears.

The fact that hundreds of students and colleagues cried when a teacher transferred schools can be said to be a rare event in the context of modern education, which is somewhat pragmatic.

The teacher-student relationship nowadays, in many places and at many times, is somewhat heavy on the responsibility and obligation between the person imparting and receiving knowledge, instead of being simple, pure, profound, and sacred in the sense of "master" as we used to see.

However, the tears of students and colleagues at Son Lien Ethnic Boarding Primary and Secondary School show that the two words teacher and student, although "more or less faded" in modern life, are still very sacred and profound.

And this sacredness makes people temporarily forget many unhappy things in the education sector in the new school year, from overcharging, school violence to teachers abusing female students... This is good news, something to be happy about for the education sector.

Teacher Nguyen Ngoc Duy has devoted 13 years of his youth to Son Lien - a place full of difficulties and challenges. From having to face harsh weather, dangerous roads, to wading through streams and forests to get to school, teacher Duy has proven that love for the teaching profession lies not only in standing in class, but also in perseverance and silent sacrifice. The emotions of Son Lien School students said it all.

The fact that hundreds of students cried when their teacher said goodbye was not only an expression of regret, but also a testament to the love and trust that Mr. Duy had for his students during the years of "rooting" in this highland area.

This is also the highest honor a teacher can receive in his educational career.

Finally, the tears of hundreds of students at Son Lien Ethnic Boarding Primary and Secondary School are not only a story about the relationship between teachers and students, but also a reminder that: The teaching profession is not only about teaching knowledge, but also about sowing profound human values ​​into the souls of students.

And this, regardless of the circumstances or environment, is always the sacred duty of every teacher!

Hoàng Văn Minh

Hàng trăm học sinh bật khóc khi thầy giáo chuyển trường


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Làm rõ thông tin tố giác thầy giáo xâm hại nữ học sinh


Bình Dương - Trên mạng xã hội xôn xao vụ tố nam giáo viên xâm hại các nữ học sinh cấp hai. Hiện cơ quan công an đang điều tra làm rõ các thông tin liên quan.

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Linh Chi - Việt Anh |

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Nhóm PV |

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Phụ huynh cho con đi học trở lại sau khi nhà trường nhận sai


Ninh Bình - Sau 2 ngày cho con nghỉ học để làm rõ thông tin nhà trường dùng sữa hết hạn cho học sinh uống, ngày 23.10, các phụ huynh đã cho con đi học trở lại.

Hundreds of students burst into tears when teacher transferred schools


Hundreds of students at Son Lien Ethnic Boarding Primary and Secondary School, Son Tay District, Quang Ngai - burst into tears when teacher Nguyen Ngoc Duy (38 years old) transferred schools.

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Linh Chi - Việt Anh |

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