Can we use the extra money to build highways and district roads?

Lê Thanh Phong |

Ha Tinh voters petitioned the Ministry of Transport to use surplus money from the highway project to build a road through Ky Anh district.

It is called surplus money for the expressway because Ha Tinh province and Ky Anh district have coordinated well with the Ministry of Transport, investors, contractors, and supervisory units in implementing the North-South expressway project through Ha Tinh ahead of schedule and saving costs.

This is a bright spot in the implementation of transport infrastructure projects. A project that is ahead of schedule, does not exceed budget, and also saves money.

Use the extra money to build the highway to build which road in Ky Anh?

Ha Tinh voters requested the Ministry of Transport to consider using the above savings to invest in upgrading the 8.1 km long DH.91 district road that is currently deteriorating to ensure the connection of the expressway intersection with National Highway 1A and the center of Ky Anh district.

The highway is effectively exploited when there are routes connecting to residential areas and the center. Good roads, safe and convenient traffic, promoting economic development. Therefore, the Ministry of Transport agrees on the necessity of investing in the district road DH.91 connecting the center of Ky Anh district with the North-South highway as proposed by voters.

However, the North-South Expressway project through Ha Tinh is ahead of schedule and saves costs thanks to many factors, mainly the management capacity of the Project Management Board, in addition to coordination with the locality.

The effective coordination and support of the locality is commendable, and the proposal to build connecting roads is also valid. However, the allocation of capital for the construction of transport infrastructure projects must be in accordance with regulations.

Therefore, the Ministry of Transport responded that, according to legal regulations, this is a route under the investment management authority of the locality, so it is recommended that the People's Committee of Ha Tinh province proactively study and balance local budget capital or other legal capital sources to soon invest in the DH.91 district road, effectively promoting the North-South expressway.

Through the recommendations of Ha Tinh voters, two things need to be promoted.

First of all, the role of localities in coordinating and supporting the implementation of transport infrastructure projects. If localities do well, they will contribute to promoting the progress of project implementation. Doing it quickly will of course bring many benefits, including saving costs.

The second is to build connecting routes to effectively exploit the expressway project. The voters' proposal is reasonable, it is necessary to invest in building the DH.91 road. Central or local capital is also the state budget, spent to serve the people only.

Lê Thanh Phong

Kiến nghị dùng tiền thừa làm cao tốc để làm đường ở Hà Tĩnh

Xuyên Đông |

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Nhóm PV |

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Proposal to use surplus money from highway construction to build roads in Ha Tinh

Xuyên Đông |

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Nhóm PV |

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