Early detection of conflicts and frustrations to resolve labor disputes

Hoàng Văn Minh |

Every collective work stoppage , large or small, prolonged or quickly ended, not only directly affects the rights of workers but also carries the potential risk of social unrest, if not resolved promptly and satisfactorily .

Resolving labor disputes and stopping collective work when they break out is the shared responsibility of the entire local government system. However, preventing conflicts that lead to labor disputes from the bud as well as "putting out fires" from when they first become "spots" is, first of all, the responsibility and key task of trade unions at all levels.

And reality from many localities that have done well and handled labor disputes well in recent times shows that one of the most effective ways to do this is to improve the quality of Collective Labor Agreements ( CBA) in a direction that is more beneficial to workers.

A labor agreement is not only a legal document, but also a mirror reflecting the agreement and consensus between employees and employers. If the CBA is built fairly, reasonably and close to reality, the rights of employees will be guaranteed, and the risk of disputes will certainly be minimized.

Improving the quality of collective bargaining agreements requires the active participation of trade unions, not only in the drafting stage, but also in negotiating with employers. Trade unions need to do a better job of representing the voice of employees, making legitimate and reasonable demands and recommendations, and must be carefully prepared, based on data and situations. reality to convince employers.

To do this and do it best, Trade Unions at all levels must first build for themselves a team of professional negotiators who have both vision and real heart. with employees.

Another issue is that in order to effectively "put out the fire", the Trade Union needs to use a variety of information channels to listen to the thoughts and aspirations of employees, thereby detecting early conflicts and frustrations that can lead to disputes. accept.

Channels such as quick meetings before shifts, hotline numbers, suggestion boxes at the workshop... need to be deployed effectively so that employees can easily access and share. Once information is received promptly, the Trade Union will be able to coordinate with relevant parties to come up with a solution, avoiding the situation from becoming more complicated.

In addition, the Trade Union needs to take advantage of and strengthen the connection and close coordination with functional agencies, authorities at all levels and businesses to further enhance its role and voice in preventing prevent and resolve disputes.

Flexible, proactive and positive handling will help the Trade Union not only protect the rights of employees but also contribute to maintaining stability in labor relations, thereby creating a healthy working environment. strong, fair and sustainable development!

Hoàng Văn Minh

Ngành Đường sắt không có tranh chấp lao động

Hà Anh |

Công đoàn Đường sắt Việt Nam đã phối hợp thực hiện tốt dân chủ cơ sở; quyền, lợi ích hợp pháp, chính đáng của đoàn viên, người lao động được đảm bảo.

3.600 cán bộ, người lao động tham dự “Bữa cơm Công đoàn”

Hà Anh |

Trưa ngày 24.8, Công đoàn Công ty Cổ phần Tiên Hưng (Tiên Lữ, Hưng Yên) tổ chức “Bữa cơm Công đoàn” phục vụ khoảng 3.600 lãnh đạo, người lao động.

Thêm nhiều phúc lợi cho đoàn viên, người lao động Đà Nẵng

Tường Minh |

LĐLĐ thành phố Đà Nẵng ký kết thỏa thuận hợp tác với Chi nhánh Công trình Viettel Đà Nẵng chương trình “Phúc lợi cho đoàn viên Công đoàn”.

Hơn 1.000 công nhân ngừng việc tập thể đã làm việc trở lại


Thanh Hóa - Hơn 1.000 công nhân ngừng việc tập thể đã làm việc trở lại, sau khi được phía doanh nghiệp đáp ứng đề xuất.

Nguyên nhân 103 công nhân ngừng việc ở Bình Dương


Tại Bình Dương, 103 lao động đã ngừng việc vì công ty đưa ra thông báo tạm hoãn hợp đồng lao động nhưng chưa thỏa thuận với người lao động.

Lý do 136 công nhân ở Đồng Nai ngừng việc tập thể


Đồng Nai - 136 công nhân Công ty TNHH OT Motor Vina ở Khu công nghiệp Nhơn Trạch 6 ngừng việc tập thể, yêu cầu điều chỉnh tiền lương tối thiểu vùng.

Không tăng sản lượng vụ công nhân ngừng việc ở Bắc Giang

Bảo Hân |

Công ty xảy ra vụ 1.600 công nhân ngừng việc cơ bản đồng ý các đề nghị. Sáng 5.8, công nhân đã trở lại làm việc.

VĐV bóng chuyền Nguyễn Thị Xuân và sự bền bỉ ở tuổi U40


Góc nhìn thể thao số 181 có buổi trò chuyện với chủ công Nguyễn Thị Xuân về hành trình gắn bó với bóng chuyền cũng như dự định trong tương lai của tay đập 38 tuổi.

The Railway industry has no labor disputes

Hà Anh |

The Vietnam Railway Union has coordinated well to implement grassroots democracy; The legal and legitimate rights and interests of union members and workers are guaranteed.

3,600 officials and workers attended "Trade Union Meal"

Hà Anh |

At noon on August 24, the Trade Union of Tien Hung Joint Stock Company (Tien Lu, Hung Yen ) organized a " Trade Union Meal " to serve about 3,600 leaders and workers.

More benefits for union members and workers in Da Nang

Tường Minh |

Da Nang City Labor Federation signed a cooperation agreement with Viettel Da Nang Construction Branch for the program "Welfare for Trade Union members".

More than 1,000 workers who stopped working collectively have returned to work


Thanh Hoa - More than 1,000 workers who stopped working collectively have returned to work, after the business responded to the proposal.

The reason why 103 workers stopped working in Binh Duong


In Binh Duong , 103 workers stopped working because the company announced the suspension of labor contracts but had not yet reached an agreement with the workers.

Reasons Behind 136 Workers in Đồng Nai Going on Collective Strike


Đồng Nai - 136 workers of OT Motor Vina Joint Stock Company in Nhơn Trạch 6 Industrial Park stopped working en masse, demanding a readjustment of the minimum wage for the region.

No increase in output due to workers stopping work in Bac Giang

Bảo Hân |

The company where 1,600 workers stopped working basically agreed to the proposals. On the morning of August 5, workers returned to work.