P.L.P knew that his parents had just received 2 million USD, so he had the idea of appropriating this money to spend. P. contacted a group of people to plan to rob his parents.
In that group of people were Nguyen Tuan Anh (born in 1993, from Ninh Binh), Nguyen Anh Duy (born in 1993, from Binh Dinh) and Dao Xuan Loc (born in 1991, from Dong Nai). P provided information about the location of the money storage and together planned the implementation.
On the afternoon of March 10, a group of robbers impersonating police officers came to the victim's house, asking him to explain the origin of the 2 million USD. They also invited the victim to the police station for questioning. Taking advantage of the time the victim entered the preparation room, the subjects quickly stole the entire amount and escaped.
P.L.P was the mastermind and sold his family, but was taken away by his accomplices after having his money stolen.
After the victim reported, in just a few days, the Criminal Police Department of Tay Ninh Province Police investigated and arrested two related people, including P.L.P, to investigate the act of robbery.
The police have recovered most of the stolen money, the wanted subjects Nguyen Tuan Anh, Nguyen Anh Duy and Dao Xuan Loc have been caught.
From this case, there are two lessons that each individual and family need to pay attention to so as not to fall into a similar situation, especially when the types of fraud and robbery gangs are rampant as they are today.
First, parents have a lot of money and assets, for children who are spoiled and play and enjoy, they should not say it because there may be great disasters.
Second, you must equip yourself with legal knowledge to protect yourself. In this case, the robbers staged a scene, impersonating a police officer to come to the house to check property and money, but the victim believed the robbers were real police officers, so they fell into the trap.
The victims believe it is due to lack of knowledge of the law.
Clause 1, Article 195 of the Penal Code stipulates: "When searching a residence, that person or a person aged 18 or older at the same residence must be present, with representatives of the commune, ward, town authorities and witnesses...".
With such specific regulations, it is not possible that some people claiming to be police officers can come and search people's residences, which are robbers. The police will conduct an investigation according to their duties, and will accompany representatives of the commune, ward, and town authorities and witnesses.
Many people have been scammed out of billions of dong because they believe in subjects impersonating police and prosecutors. This is a case of both cheating and robbery, it is worth drawing a warning lesson.