At the group discussion in the National Assembly on the morning of February 15 on the draft Resolution on a number of specific policies to remove obstacles, promote the development of science, technology and innovation, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh gave a very new and valuable opinion related to the development of this field in Vietnam.
The Prime Minister said that doing science and technology requires accepting risks. According to him, everyone is excited about success, but we also need to be ready to accept failure and pay the price.
The Government hopes that organizations and individuals will be exempted from civil liability in case of damage to the State during the implementation of the scientific research and technology development topic.
They also do not have to return the funds used in the process of performing the task.
And the Prime Minister emphasized: "We need to see this as a tuition fee".
Developing science and technology, innovation and digital transformation, as affirmed in Resolution 57-NQ/TW issued by the Politburo on December 22, 2024, is a decisive factor in the development of countries; is the prerequisite, the best opportunity for our country to develop richly and strongly in the new era - the era of national growth. However, there are still some bottlenecks in implementing the Resolution.
The Prime Minister's viewpoint of "seeing failure as tuition fees" is a breakthrough, defeating the fear of many scientists and research organizations, who are afraid of being prosecuted for civil liability if the project unfortunately fails, causing damage to the budget. This is also considered a way to contribute to solving some bottlenecks in implementing Resolution 57.
A mechanism to allow exemption from liability in cases of scientific risks - on the condition that the person performing it is selfless and not profitable - is a condition for them to feel secure in conducting research and creativity.
In an environment that accepts failed "scholarships", researchers who are protected and encouraged to try and make mistakes will dare to propose more unique solutions, bolder solutions to unleash intelligence and the will to discover.
Hopefully, with this change, Resolution 57 will soon come into life, bringing Vietnam a breakthrough, taking advantage of the "Best Opportunity" to become a rich, powerful and powerful nation.