Many analytical opinions and guiding views in Resolution 57 are important orientations for Vietnam's digital transformation process in the coming time. Resolution 57-NQ/TW not only affirms the strategic vision of our Party but also strongly inspires and raises the sense of responsibility of the entire political system, scientists, businesses, and people.
Economist, Dr. Nguyen Minh Phong said, the main goal of the resolution focuses on liberating creativity, labor, and various social resources to focus on developing science and technology, innovation, digital transformation, innovation in working methods, and accumulation of new means of production based on data, thereby quickly turning Vietnam into a high-income, sustainably developed country.
According to Dr. Nguyen Minh Phong, Resolution No. 57 has mentioned very new issues of the era such as data, artificial intelligence, blockchain, IoT, controlled testing mechanisms of new technologies to promote the fastest, bringing new technology products and strategic technologies into life.
National Assembly Delegate Ta Thi Yen - Deputy Head of the Delegation Affairs Committee of the National Assembly Standing Committee - said that Resolution 57 of the Politburo creates great momentum for the political system, scientists, businesses, and people.
Reality shows that, at present, society still has resources that have not been truly liberated, and there are still bottlenecks in awareness and institutions. Therefore, Resolution 57 is a document that creates changes from awareness to content and working methods in state management agencies in creating breakthroughs in science and technology, innovation and digital transformation, thereby improving productivity and efficiency.
According to delegate Ta Thi Yen, in the trend of outstanding, stormy development of science and technology, there are many inventions or breakthroughs that we could not imagine before, but in the future can become reality, creating super connectivity as well as liberating labor, working efficiency many times over, creating abundant resources for the country.
Therefore, from Resolution 57 of the Politburo, in implementation, we also need to specify regulations to put experiments on scientific and technological innovation, creative innovation, and digital transformation into practice and let practice test, prove the necessity, effectiveness and enter into social life.
“Resolution No. 57 is like a spearhead focusing on removing bottlenecks to unleash creativity, labor, and investment resources of the whole society for science and technology, innovation and digital transformation. The resolution is highly action-oriented, like a call for the political apparatus, society, people and businesses to join in and take concrete actions,” said Delegate Ta Thi Yen.