10 smart tips to help preserve food longer


Keeping food fresh for a long time and ensuring health is everyone's desire. Here are 10 smart tips to keep your food fresh and delicious and extend the shelf life.

Hang bananas: Using a hook to hang bananas off the ground will help them stay fresh longer and not get darkened too quickly.
Squeeze lemon juice onto the chopped banana: The banana usually turns brown after just a few minutes of being chopped.So you should squeeze a little lemon juice on the banana so that it does not turn brown for a few hours.If you don't like lemon, you can dilute the lemon juice with a little water and chop on the banana.
Store the cookies always crispy with a slice of banh mi: After baking the cookies, we often have the habit of storing them in containers.However, no matter how airtight the container is, your cookies will sell out over time.Add a slice of banh mi to the same container to make the cookies crispy longer.
Squeeze a little vinegar onto the cheese to avoid mold: Most people store cheese inside containers or food wrap.However, storing cheese with a wrap of food is very harmful because the plastic wrap will absorb too much moisture and cause mold.The best way to prevent mold growth is to add a few drops of vinegar to cheese and store in the refrigerator.Be careful not to use too much vinegar because it can damage the flavor of cheese.
Add asparagus to a glass of water: Forcing asparagus into bunches and placing them in a glass of clean water at room temperature will not only make your asparagus more delicious but also start growing young plants, giving you more ingredients to cook.
Rub the edges of the cheese with a little butter to prevent it from drying out: Cheese often dries up quite quickly in the refrigerator if not properly stored.If a little butter is rubbed on the edges, the cheese will not dry out.If your cheese has dried, you can still fix it by applying butter to all the cracks.
Store ginger in stone compartments: Ginger is a food we use every day in small quantities.To store ginger for a long time, you should store ginger in the refrigerator ice Cube.By doing so, ginger will retain its freshness for 2 - 9 months and still ensure safety for your health.


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