How does eating too much sugar affect the liver?


Eating too much sugar in fruit can harm your liver .

What happens to the liver when you eat too much sugar?

Dr. Harikumar R Nair - Gastroenterologist at Kinder General Hospital (India) said that consuming too much sugar can lead to weight gain and obesity, but can also affect the organs. organs such as the liver. This is what causes fatty liver disease without having to consume a lot of alcohol.

Eating a lot of sugar also triggers the release of dopamine, the feel-good hormone. People struggling with stress or depression may be especially fond of consuming sugar through food and drinks to get this dopamine hit.

However, most of these sugary foods are stored as fat, which ultimately harms the liver. This unhealthy cycle can lead to fatty liver disease, cirrhosis, and even cancer.

These fruits contain a lot of sugar

According to Dr. Harikumar R Nair, the sugar molecule in fruit exists in the form of fructose. The dose of sugar will be different for each type of fruit and is higher in succulent fruits such as grapes, oranges, watermelon... and lower in meaty fruits such as guava, apple, kiwi.

Dr. Harikumar R Nair notes that, although fruit is generally considered healthy, consuming too much fruit converts fructose into fat in the liver, causing fatty liver.

Sugar is hidden in packaged foods

In addition to candies and cakes sold on the market, packaged foods in food processing are considered sugar-free but actually still contain a certain amount of sugar such as: tomato sauce, yogurt, cereal, etc. cup, oatmeal, Children's malt beverage (Boost, Bourvita, Horlicks); Peanut butter; Bread (sold as “milk bread”, “fruit bread”); Cookies…

How to protect a healthy liver

Exercise regularly and maintain an active lifestyle: Regular aerobic exercise is key to preventing fatty liver disease.

Limit alcohol consumption: Especially people with metabolic syndrome such as diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol because both of these diseases combined can increase liver damage.

Eat a balanced diet: Eat less fatty foods and more fiber. The diet should be low in carbohydrates and high in fiber. Avoid sweets and red meat.

Watch your weight: The risk of liver disease will be greatly reduced if you maintain an ideal BMI.

Additionally, Dr. Harikumar R Nair notes that herbal supplements and traditional remedies, especially those without a medicinal license, should be avoided, as most of them are sold as “ dietary supplements”; Get vaccinated against hepatitis B and screen for liver disease from age 40.

In particular, you need to stay away from weight loss drugs and strange medical treatments that have no scientific basis and are spread on social networks.


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