As you age, especially after age 40, your body fat percentage increases and your muscles decrease. Exercise is good for bones, heart, mental health and longevity.
Weightlifting helps increase weight during exercise, thereby increasing resistance and increasing muscle mass. Choose a weight that you can only do 12-15 reps to optimize muscle growth.
1. Squat with dumbbells
The 2 feet are shoulder-width apart, the toes are slightly pointed outwards. hip facing forward, head up high. shoulders forward, under the dumbbells. Lower your buttocks and push yourself back. Keep your back straight. Then, push yourself back to the starting position and repeat.
2. Push up dumbbells on Chairs
Hold 2 singles in each hand, lying flat on the chair to start. Push the dumbbells toward the ceiling and straighten both arms. Then, return to the starting position and repeat.
3. Push the dumbbells over your Head
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding 2 dumbbells in each hand at shoulder level. Push the 2 dumbbells over your head until your arms are completely straight. Then, return to the starting position and repeat.
4. Along with the dumbbells
Body weight leg strokes are a way to strengthen and stabilize your body. To increase the challenge of the exercise, you can add weight and resistance to your weight-bearing arms.
You can choose a dumbbell that allows you to continue doing your leg movements in a good position without leaning forward, backward or swinging. Hold the dumbbells in each hand, preparing for your leg held, then step forward, lower your deepest leg held and step back.