Here are 4 simple ways to use garlic in your daily diet, to support the treatment of high blood pressure.
1. Use garlic salt in meals
Garlic salt is a great alternative to regular table salt, helping to reduce sodium levels in the body and regulate blood pressure.
To make garlic salt, you need:
6 garlic roots
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil (60ml)
How to make: Peel the garlic and fry in olive oil until golden brown. Then, remove and drain the oil. When eating, you can crush garlic cloves to season with dishes, both enhancing flavor and good for the heart.
2. Eat garlic on an empty stomach
Eating garlic on an empty stomach is a healthy habit that helps increase the effect of allicin on blood pressure. Every morning, you can eat 2 cloves of raw garlic with a glass of water.
If you are concerned about bad breath, you can chew a mint leaf or drink lemon juice to quickly deodorize.
3. Grated garlic in olive oil
A traditional method to help control blood pressure is to soak garlic in olive oil. You need to prepare:
20 strips of peeled garlic
1 liter of extra virgin olive oil
1 glass jar
How to make: Add a pair of garlic cloves, put in a glass jar and pour the olive oil. Soak this mixture for at least three weeks before using. You can sprinkle garlic oil on the sponge or use it directly in dishes to take advantage of its benefits.
4. Drinking garlic tea
Garlic tea is a nutritious drink that effectively reduces blood pressure. To make garlic tea, you need:
1 cloves of garlic
1 cup of water (200ml)
3g grated ginger
1 tablespoon lemon juice (15ml)
1 tablespoon honey (25g)
How to make: Boil water, then add chopped garlic, ginger, honey and stir well. Simmer for 20 minutes, strain the water and add the lemon juice. Drink this tea at noon to help control blood pressure.