Push-ups are a functional exercise for the upper body. This move combines many mechanical groups and is directly related to daily tasks such as pushing doors, pushing children's carts or grocery store carts...
To do push-ups, start by placing your hands on the ground so that they are directly under your chest and about shoulder-width apart. The two feet are parallel, hip-width apart.
The back is not completely straight but it is not too curved. Bend your elbows to lower your chest, head and hips at the same time, then push back up.
If push-ups are usually too difficult, you can adjust them in many different ways, depending on your body's physical condition. Some other types of push-ups include knee push-ups, push-ups, or push-ups.
This exercise helps restore arm strength, especially in the threads and maintains upper body function, which can be impaired due to lack of exercise or injury.