Recently, patient N.T (6 years old, Binh Duong province) was transferred to Children's Hospital 2 in critical condition due to electrocution. According to Dr. Huynh Thi Thuy Kieu - Deputy Head of the Emergency Department of Children's Hospital 2, after being actively treated by doctors for emergency resuscitation, the patient's condition is still very serious and the prognosis is reserved.
Information from the family, T was playing, accidentally touching a stainless steel table next to the iron shelves next to the B40 net. This grid is in contact with the 220V power line. After touching, T passed out at the table. About 5 minutes later, the family discovered it.
T was transferred to a local medical facility and received first aid. The patient was then transferred to Children's Hospital 2.
Doctor Thuy Kieu warns that every year, the unit receives 3-5 cases of pediatric patients who have electrical accidents. The cause is often due to the family repairing electrical equipment, the child accidentally stepping or touching it. This is a dangerous accident that can immediately affect life.
Electrical current that penetrates into the human body will damage organs in the body from the location of contact with local electrical current causing burns, nerve damage, heart damage causing arrhythmia, cardiac arrest and all other organs.
In addition to acute damage, electrical accidents can leave long-term sequelae in the nervous system, heart, kidneys, musculoskeletal system, etc.
In order to prevent children from similar accidents, Dr. Kieu emphasizes that parents should be close to their children and always keep them close to their eyes. Repairing electrical equipment at home requires cutting off the power source or making sure the child is not exposed.
In particular, it is necessary to keep electrical items in a safe place, away from children's reach, electrical outlets need to be covered or equipped with electrical outlet knots to ensure safety for children, especially children of the exploration age.
In addition to preventing electrical accidents, some other household accidents also need to be noted by parents, avoiding the danger for children who suffocate foreign objects in the airway and get burned in boiling water.