No abnormalities found in Thai Nguyen student hospitalized

Hà Lê |

More than 10 students of Thai Nguyen Industrial College living in the same dormitory were hospitalized with fever of unknown cause.

Thirteen students in the dormitory of Thai Nguyen Industrial College were hospitalized with symptoms of fever, abdominal pain, and vomiting of unknown cause, one student died.

These students live in the same dormitory but in different rooms, different buildings, and different classes. Students share a common dining area.

The first student, a 16-year-old female, was taken to Thai Nguyen Central Hospital in late August with symptoms of consciousness, jaundice, then lethargy, coma, and monitoring for meningitis, cholecystitis, and gallbladder polyps. After that, the patient showed signs of acute myocarditis, multiple organ failure, acute heart failure, and a very poor prognosis. The family asked to take her home and she died at home.

Twelve other cases were hospitalized with similar symptoms. One was later transferred to the National Children's Hospital (Hanoi), one showed convulsions, and samples were sent to the National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology for testing, but results are not yet available.

The health of these patients is currently stable. The medical history of these students before the appearance of unusual symptoms is unknown.

Associate Professor, Dr. Tran Minh Dien, Director of the National Children's Hospital, said that there were 3 patients residing in Meo Vac district, Ha Giang province, who were hospitalized with one or more symptoms: abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, fatigue... Among them, there was 1 patient being treated at the National Children's Hospital, but the province could not coordinate because the child did not speak Kinh. Doctors continued to take medical history and find out the cause. No abnormalities have been detected in this case.

On September 5, a working delegation from the Central Hospital for Tropical Diseases, led by Dr. Nguyen Trung Cap, Deputy Director of the Central Hospital for Tropical Diseases, worked with the Thai Nguyen Department of Health and Thai Nguyen Central Hospital.

"The Thai Nguyen Health Sector has responded quickly and handled well the cases of patients suspected of having the disease. Up to this point, there is no cause of infectious diseases occurring in Thai Nguyen," said Dr. Cap.

Doctor Dong Quang Son - Deputy Director of Thai Nguyen Central Hospital informed that the hospital is currently monitoring the health of 11 students from Thai Nguyen Industrial College, their health is stable, and it is expected that in the next few days, the students will be discharged from the hospital.

Hà Lê

Truy tìm nguyên nhân nhiều học sinh ở Thái Nguyên nhập viện

Lệ Hà |

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