Signs of consuming too much protein when losing weight


The article below will give some signs that you are consuming too much protein when losing weight .

1. Dehydration

Consuming too much protein over a long period of time can lead to dehydration. This will cause the kidneys to work harder to remove excess protein and nitrogenous waste from the body through urine, increasing the number of times you go to the bathroom, leading to reduced hydration levels.

2. Liver overload

Consuming too much protein over a long period of time can overload the liver, disrupting its function. Consuming too much protein will convert into triglycerides, which are fat cells stored in the liver.

3. Unable to lose weight sustainably

High- protein diets help with weight loss, but these results may only last for a short time. When you consume too much protein, the protein is stored as fat .

To lose weight, add lean protein along with carbohydrates and other nutrients. If you completely replace carbohydrates and fats with protein, it can lead to uncontrolled weight gain.

4. Constipation

A high protein diet means a low fiber and low carbohydrate diet which can easily lead to digestive problems ranging from constipation, nausea and diarrhea... Along with that, you may also suffer from cramps and bloating.

Eating too much protein can cause negative health effects during weight loss. Graphics: Thuy Duong.
Eating too much protein can cause negative health effects during weight loss. Graphics: Thuy Duong.

5. Kidney damage

Consuming too much protein puts you at risk of kidney disease and kidney failure. Fatigue, difficulty sleeping, frequent urination, loss of appetite, muscle cramps, swelling in the legs and ankles are some signs of kidney problems when consuming too much protein.

6. Bad breath

If you have bad breath, it's a sign that you're consuming too much protein. Because to promote protein intake, you will limit carbohydrate intake. This carbohydrate deficiency forces the body to generate energy from other sources leading to the production of chemicals that can cause unpleasant odors.

7. Heart disease

Consuming too much protein can lead to high cholesterol levels in the body, which can also lead to cardiovascular diseases, especially protein derived from high-fat dairy or red meat.


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7 loại trái cây giàu protein giúp giảm cân và mỡ nội tạng

HẠ MÂY (Theo healthshots) |

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