Hanoi to launch measles vaccination from October 14

Phương Anh |

The Hanoi Department of Health and Department of Education agreed to vaccinate against measles in the city in 2024 from October 14.

Coverage in all 579 communes, wards and towns of 30 districts, towns and cities across the city. Vaccination locations are at health stations; kindergartens, preschools and other mobile vaccination sites depending on the actual situation of the locality.

According to the report at the conference, in 2014, the whole city recorded 1,741 cases of measles, in 2019 there were 1,765 cases. In addition, the number of measles cases recorded was scattered over the years: 15 cases in 2020; 2 cases in 2021; 1 case in 2022; no cases in 2023. However, from the beginning of 2024 to now, there have been 17 cases of measles, 0 deaths, an increasing trend compared to previous years.

Measles vaccination campaigns have helped control the disease effectively. The results of vaccination with single measles and measles-rubella vaccines for the subjects eligible for vaccination in 2019 reached 97% for the first dose and 91% for the second dose. Similarly, in 2020, the figures were 98% and 95%, respectively; 2021, 95% and 89%; 2022, 100% and 73%; 2023, 85% and 91%.

In 2024, the Hanoi People's Committee launched a measles vaccination campaign in the city in Plan No. 278/KH-UBND dated September 23, 2024. The subjects are children from 1 to 5 years old living in Hanoi and medical staff at risk at medical examination and treatment facilities treating measles patients in the city who have not received enough doses of vaccination as prescribed.

Ha Noi trien khai tiem vac xin phong dich soi tu ngay 14.10. Anh: Phuong Anh
Hanoi to start measles vaccination from October 14. Photo: Phuong Anh

The goal is that over 95% of children aged 1-5 years old living in Hanoi who have not received enough doses of measles-containing vaccines as prescribed will receive one dose of measles-rubella (MR) vaccine.

The Hanoi City Health and Education Sector has disseminated the contents that need to be implemented. Especially, unification in direction and management; organization of investigation of subjects, review of vaccination lists; professional vaccination activities; statistics and reporting.

Speaking at the conference, Deputy Director of Hanoi Department of Health Vu Cao Cuong said that under the close direction of the Ministry of Health and Hanoi People's Committee, the health and education sectors have closely coordinated to prepare all aspects for the vaccination campaign.

The top priority is the safety, effectiveness and quality of vaccination. Therefore, comrade Vu Cao Cuong emphasized that from now until October 14, units need to focus on reviewing so that 100% of the subjects subject to vaccination of the campaign are listed and counted according to regulations.

Strengthen training and guidance on medical expertise such as investigating subjects, supplying and preserving vaccines, organizing vaccination sessions, monitoring and handling post-vaccination reactions.

In addition, promote propaganda about the benefits and significance of vaccines and vaccination, and the campaign's goals to create consensus and response from the people.

Phương Anh

VNVC tiêm vắc xin zona thần kinh đầu tiên tại Việt Nam

Phan Tân |

Ngày 4.10, Hệ thống tiêm chủng VNVC ra mắt vắc xin zona thần kinh (GSK, Bỉ) và triển khai tiêm cho người dân tại gần 200 trung tâm trên cả nước.

Những lưu ý khi tiêm vắc xin sốt xuất huyết

Phương Anh |

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Người dân Việt Nam lần đầu được tiêm vắc xin não mô cầu thế hệ mới

Thiên Bình |

Vắc xin não mô cầu khuẩn nhóm B thế hệ mới tạo miễn dịch bảo vệ 94%, tiêm cho trẻ từ 2 tháng tuổi và người lớn đến 50 tuổi, được triển khai tiêm lần đầu ở Việt Nam tại 165 Trung tâm tiêm chủng VNVC trên toàn quốc.

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VNVC injects the first shingles vaccine in Vietnam

Phan Tân |

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Notes when getting dengue fever vaccine

Phương Anh |

Dengue fever is one of the common infectious diseases in our country, due to the tropical climate favorable for the development of mosquitoes that cause this disease.

Người dân Việt Nam lần đầu được tiêm vắc xin não mô cầu thế hệ mới

Thiên Bình |

Vắc xin não mô cầu khuẩn nhóm B thế hệ mới tạo miễn dịch bảo vệ 94%, tiêm cho trẻ từ 2 tháng tuổi và người lớn đến 50 tuổi, được triển khai tiêm lần đầu ở Việt Nam tại 165 Trung tâm tiêm chủng VNVC trên toàn quốc.