Reviving droopy eyes due to brain tumors


HCMC - Ptosis after surgery is a common condition, especially in patients undergoing surgery for meningioma.

Patient D.K.A (46 years old, HCMC) came to the hospital with a drooping eyelid in his right eye, unable to open his eye. If the patient tried his best to open his eye, it could only open 3mm, greatly affecting his vision and appearance.

According to the patient, in June 2024, the patient underwent radiosurgery for a benign meningioma. Although the disease was removed, the right eye experienced the above condition. After that, the patient was treated with traditional medicine by doctors.

Dr. Nguyen Tran Nhu Thuy - University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City (branch 3) - said that after 2 treatments using acupuncture, hydroacupuncture, moxibustion, acupressure massage, and physical therapy, the patient showed significant improvement.

From a natural eyelid opening of 0mm, by the 27th day of treatment, the patient's natural eyelid opening was 5mm, and with effort the eyelid opening was 7mm.

“By the second treatment period lasting 19 days, the doctor had treated the patient to a natural eyelid opening of 8mm and a non-resistance opening of 11mm. This is a good sign that the treatment is effective,” added Dr. Nhu Thuy.

Ptosis after brain tumor surgery is a condition in which the third nerve or the levator muscle is damaged as a result of surgery to treat a tumor in the brain. This condition results in the eyelid not being able to open completely, causing complications that directly affect the patient's vision and aesthetics. After surgery, due to direct impact on the nerves or damage to the brain area that controls the levator muscle, patients often experience ptosis.

Common symptoms of ptosis are drooping eyelids, inability to open the eyes naturally, which may be accompanied by strabismus or double vision. Depending on the severity of the damage, treatment will be indicated by surgery or supportive methods such as acupuncture, massage, and traditional Chinese medicine to help improve the function of the levator muscle.

Treatment of ptosis after brain tumor surgery often requires close coordination between modern medicine and traditional medicine to achieve the best recovery results for the patient.

"Depending on the cause of trauma or post-surgery, prevention of ptosis is closely related to protecting the head and eyes during activities with a high risk of injury. People working in high-risk occupations (construction, combat sports, driving...) should wear protective gear to avoid strong impacts to the eyes and head. In addition, for those with a history of eye or neurological diseases, regular check-ups are needed to promptly detect abnormalities and treat them," Dr. Nhu Thuy emphasized.

The golden time for treating ptosis is 3-6 months after detection. After this time, the chance of recovery will gradually decrease and the patient may need surgery to correct the ptosis.


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Sửa chuồng gà, người đàn ông ở Hậu Giang bị kẽm B40 đập vào gây rách mi mắt


Sáng 14.5, tin từ Bệnh viện Mắt Sài Gòn Cần Thơ cho biết, bệnh viện vừa tiếp nhận điều trị cho bệnh nhân 59 tuổi ở Hậu Giang bị dây kẽm B40 đập vào mắt, bị thương phức tạp mi mắt trên và đau đớn dữ dội.