According to S.I.S Can Tho International General Hospital on December 5, that was the case of Ms. N.T.T.T (Thot Not District, Can Tho City). According to Ms. T, in June 2023, when her health gradually weakened, she thought she had a common cold so she only treated it with medicine at home.
While going to the toilet, her limbs became weak, Mrs. T fell, fainted and was taken to a nearby hospital by her relatives. After 2 days, seeing her health condition getting worse, her family transferred Mrs. T to SIS Can Tho International General Hospital.

Due to being transferred to the hospital quite late, after 4 days, Mrs. T's stroke symptoms became more severe, with difficulty speaking, difficulty swallowing, and complete paralysis of all four limbs. At the time of the emergency, the patient was examined by a doctor and assessed with an increased NIHSS score of 26 points (the NIHSS - National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale is used to assess the level of neurological impairment caused by stroke. The higher the score, the more severe the neurological impairment).
MRI results showed that Ms. T had cerebral infarction damage on both sides of the pons and ascius. The basilar artery, which transmits motor impulses from the cerebral cortex to the arms and legs, was completely blocked. For ischemic stroke, this is a rare case. In normal acute ischemic stroke, the patient will be weak on the left or right side. In this case, Ms. T was paralyzed in both arms and legs.
With a poor prognosis, it was thought that Mrs. T's chance of recovery was zero. However, with the optimal and active medical treatment, along with the care and encouragement of her family. Up to now, after 1 year of returning for a follow-up visit, Mrs. T can walk on her own two feet, clearly answering the doctor's questions. Above all, Mrs. T can do personal activities and light work on her own.
"This is what we call a miracle, surprising not only the patient and his family, but also the doctors who examined him. This recovery result is thanks to the optimal and appropriate treatment method, the patient's body responding well and the great support from his family," shared Dr. Duong Hoang Linh - who directly treated the patient (DSA Intervention Unit, S.I.S Can Tho International General Hospital).

Mrs. T's case can be said to be a miracle, but according to doctors, it is best for everyone to prevent ischemic stroke by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, increasing physical activity; having health check-ups, and regular screening for risk factors such as blood pressure, blood fat, diabetes, etc.
Once classic symptoms such as weakness in limbs, crooked mouth, slurred speech appear, it is necessary to quickly take the patient to a medical facility capable of treating stroke. Patients who are brought to treatment early during the golden period will have a better chance of recovering from a stroke and returning to normal more quickly.